Female tattoos on the arm - the best ideas! (70 photos)

Features of a tattoo on the arm

The tattoo on the arm can be placed in any place convenient for you: wrist, fingers, forearm and shoulder. And you can “hammer” the entire sleeve, but here everything is according to your desire. Here you must always focus on your expected result. After all, if you make a sleeve, then naturally it will be visible to everyone, and not everyone can see a small tattoo on his shoulder.

Tattoo masters always recommend with special attention and thoughtfulness to tattoos on their hands. Because such tattoos will be very difficult to hide, especially if you make a bracelet on your wrist. This can be an obstacle at work, where you occupy not the last position.

Pluses tattoo on the arm

  • If you have scars on your hands - a tattoo is a great opportunity to hide it.
  • A large selection of tattoos that can be made on the arm, in addition to volumetric options.
  • There is a choice in which part of the arm you would like to get a tattoo.
  • Tattoo can be any color: black or color. On the hand it will look equally good this and that.

Cons tattoo on the arm

  • If the tattoo is on your wrist, you will not be able to hide it.
  • If the tattoo is done on the forearm, then this place is most subject to friction and over time the tattoo will darken.
  • On the arm you can not make beautiful, panoramic or voluminous tattoos.

Hand tattoo ideas


Original and beautiful tattoo bracelets will help you decorate your hand anywhere. They can be in the form of a lace belt or a strap of flowers or plants.


Most often, it is on the girls hand that they choose the inscription tattoo. Such inscriptions can be accompanied by a flower pattern or any other pattern.


Do you want to impress everyone around you with a non-typical tattoo choice for a girl? Then feel free to choose images of the insect. It can be flies, wasps, bugs, ladybugs and much more.

Animals and birds

Very beautiful and cute tattoos of animals and birds, often adorn the girl's hands. But such tattoos are mostly made large, because in a small version it will not be very clear what is depicted on your arm.

Flowers and plants

The absolute record holder for the tattoo on the arm for girls is the flowers. Most often, girls choose flowers in the black version, but colored ones can also beautifully decorate your hand.


Colorful, and sometimes voluminous butterflies will allow you to very beautifully emphasize your personality. You can make several of them: from small to large. And you can simply select one image, but more voluminous and colorful.


If you still can not decide on the choice of a tattoo on your arm, then choose the usual pattern. In the patterns are always various elements from different subjects, which makes the patterns universal.



