Small female tattoos - interesting ideas! (74 photos)

Features of small tattoos

Due to its small size, a small tattoo can be positioned anywhere. It is easier to hide if you do not want to attract too much attention, but rather can be done in a prominent place, but due to its size it will not cause much indignation among society.

Small tattoos can be done in black or multi-colored. These can be completely different options: animals, birds, insects, simple patterns and of course inscriptions.

Read more about black and white and colored tattoos, you can follow the links.

Pros of small tattoos

  • They are easy to hide, unless of course you do it on your fingers.
  • A small tattoo can be placed on any part of the body.
  • It can be in black or color.
  • If you want to reduce it, then the scar from the tattoo will remain not so large and noticeable as from large tattoos.

Cons of small tattoos

  • They are not as noticeable as large ones.
  • Due to its small size, a tattoo cannot be very detailed and realistic.
  • If you choose the wrong place for applying a small tattoo, as well as low-quality work, it will make it look like a dirty stain.

Little Tattoo Ideas

On fingers

You can make the smallest and harmless tattoos on your fingers. But remember that hiding such tattoos afterwards will not work either.

On the hand

On the hand it is possible to make a small tattoo anywhere. It could be wrist and forearm. Elegant, thin bracelets, as well as floral patterns, will look very original.

On the shoulder and collarbone

On the shoulder, as well as clavicle As a small tattoo, girls most often choose small inscriptions or flowers. You can also choose birds or animals.

On the neck

If you want to always be in the spotlight, then a small tattoo on your neck will help you in this matter. The tattoo can be positioned on the side, front or back.


Behind the ear

A very original and comfortable place for a tattoo is behind the ear. Such tattoos cannot be large, but only small. They will beautifully decorate the skin behind your ear, and if you wish, you can hide it if you just loose your hair.

On the ribs

Ribs are another popular spot for small tattoos. Especially popular are the inscriptions, as well as feathers.

On the ankle

Ankle a very convenient place to feel the beauty of small tattoos. They can be located on the tendon, fingers, bone, and so on.

On the hip

But on hip picking up a small tattoo is very difficult. Because a large area allows you to make large tattoos, and on the hip small ones will not look very appropriate.


