Women`s wrist tattoos - interesting ideas (52 photos)

The female body itself is beautiful, but if you add a tattoo, then you can even shine the light of any man. Today we’ll talk about a wrist tattoo. We will tell you the features, as well as the pros and cons of this venture.

Features of the wrist tattoo

Most often, tattoos on the wrist of a girl are selected in a small size. And the wrist itself is an ideal place to create such small tattoos. But if you have a bold and independent character, then you can easily create large, voluminous tattoos with the addition of bright colors.

Tattoo artists claim that the wrist is considered the most popular place for tattooing. You can make a tattoo on only one arm, or you can immediately and on two, like a mirror image.

Pros of wrist tattoos

  • You can make any tattoo: small, large, color or black.
  • If desired, the tattoo can be hidden with a long sleeve sweaters or sweaters.
  • On the wrist, any subject of the picture will look equally good.

Cons wrist tattoos

  • Such a tattoo will be difficult to hide if it is warm outside or indoors.
  • The skin on the wrist is very thin, so the pain will be much higher.

Different ideas for creating a wrist tattoo


Tattoo bracelets are very often chosen by girls as jewelry for their wrists. This tattoo looks quite original and can be completely different sizes. This can be a thin thread, floral thread, twigs with flowers, as well as other patterns. The bracelet can be made in a color or black palette, but most often it is used a black palette.


Another popular tattoo is lettering. They can be done in any language you want, just the main rule is to know the translation of the phrase. Often such inscriptions are complemented by patterns, hearts, asterisks and other small elements.

Flowers and plants

Especially gently on the wrist of a girl a colored, small flower will look. It can be a rose, a camomile or a tulip. There is absolutely no difference which flower you choose. The main thing is that you like it. Also on the wrist can draw branches of plants, ferns or coniferous paws.


There are simply no limits for tattoo designs. They can be performed in different ways, making up of various elements and parts. The black color of the tattoo can be beautifully interwoven with a color tone, which allows you to create an original and catchy tattoo. Patterns can be of different sizes, shapes, and themes.


Here, tattoos are depicted in the form of insects, animals, landscape, birds, abstraction and mythical animals, and paintings. If you have long wanted to do something unusual and non-standard, then such tattoos will help you in this matter. To make such a tattoo look more impressive, you should make multi-colored tattoos with a volumetric effect.



