How to descale your iron


Mix 9% vinegar with water in equal amounts: 1 to 1. And pour into the water compartment in the iron. Do not fill the solution to the very top, only half enough. After connecting the iron to the network and set the maximum temperature. The iron will heat up for a while, then shut off and heat up again.

This should last at least 10 minutes. When time runs out, take a basin or any container where you can drain the water. Start pressing the steam release button and release the water until it runs out. Together with vinegar and water, rust, plaque and scale will come out.

Lemon acid

You will need 1 bag of 25 grams of lemon. Dissolve it in a glass of water so that the lemon is completely dissolved. Then turn on the iron and heat it to the highest temperature. Then pour the solution into the water compartment and leave the iron for 10 minutes.

Remember that your iron should stand upright so that water does not leak out of it ahead of time. When 10 minutes have passed, let the steam out of the iron into a previously prepared container. Then fill the tank with clean water and press the steam button again. And then wipe the sole of the iron with a dense, cotton cloth.

Household chemicals

At the moment, there are special chemical compounds on the market that will help get rid of scale in the iron. Such products are very safe for your device, so do not be afraid to use them.

Each composition of your company has instructions for use. But the action of such funds is very effective and quick to help remove any, even the oldest scale.

How to avoid the accumulation of scale in the iron?

  1. In the iron itself it is worth pouring only purified, distilled water. But the tap most of all deposits mineral deposits inside your iron. In purified water, there are no such minerals, as well as salts, which are the main reason for the formation of scale.
  2. Always drain the iron after ironing. Such water stagnates in the tank and gradually leaks inward. She begins to stagnate, which ultimately leads to an increase in scale.


In addition to the formation of scale in the iron, its sole is also contaminated in it. When the soleplate is dirty, it is simply impossible to iron things. And it’s especially bad if a piece of polyethylene or synthetic fabric is also stuck on it. If you are interested in how to get rid of this problem, you can read our other article: how to clean the sole of the iron from dirt and plaque.


