10 types of greenery that can be planted in the garden

Plain greens


Green onions can be planted in the garden from April to May, after the last frost has passed. It is during such months that the land is better prepared for sowing green onion seeds. This method will allow you to achieve a quick crop of onions. Water should be abundantly watered until the first green feathers appear. Further watering is morning and evening.

After all, green onions are very useful greens, which contains vitamins of the groups C, E, B1, B2, B5, as well as potassium, iron, calcium and sodium.


Parsley seeds are sown by many people from early spring to late autumn. First, beds are prepared in the spring, adding potash and phosphorus fertilizers to the soil, and then they make small furrows in the ground where they put parsley seeds. Shoots usually appear two weeks after sowing.

Parsley contains essential oil, which explains its spicy taste. It helps to remove salts from the body, and is also rich in vitamins A and C. There are also many trace elements in it, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium and potassium.


Dill perfectly tolerates cold, so it can be planted even at low temperatures. This usually happens in early April, when snow will come off the ground. So that you can enjoy a constant crop of greens, every 14 days the beds are recommended to be sown. Thus, you will have a constant crop of dill from the beginning of spring to late autumn.

Dill contains vitamins A, C, D, B12 and B6. Still greens are rich in minerals - potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron. Dill helps the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, and also normalizes metabolism.


Lettuce should be sown on the beds from May to October. The soil under the seeds should be abundantly fertilized with mineral fertilizers with a low acid content. Every two weeks, the seeds need to be planted on the beds in order to enjoy fresh herbs during the entire flowering period.

Salad is a vitamin green, which contains rich reserves of vitamin A, C, B6 and various minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium). At the moment, there are two types of salad: leaf and head. It will be easiest to plant a leaf lettuce.


To harvest in the year of planting, it must be planted on the beds in early spring. Sorrel seeds are planted in transverse rows at an equal distance from each other. If you want the crop to sprout faster, you should wet the seeds before sowing. And if sown dry, then the first crop will sprout in two weeks, and wet in a week.

Sorrel can grow up to 1 meter high, even at home. It contains rich reserves of vitamin C and A, as well as mineral salts. Sorrel also contains potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as oxalic acid.

Unusual green


Arugula is sown in early April and through the month of August. The soil should not be strongly acidic and alkaline, otherwise rucolla will not grow on it. It is also especially important to choose a place in the sun for such a culture, as it loves light very much. Arugula needs to be watered in the morning and evening, and in the days of extreme heat, one additional extra time in the middle of the day.

Arugula has a pungent taste because it contains mustard oil.It also contains iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and magnesium.


Lettuce should be planted in the soil when the temperature in the street is not lower than +5 degrees, and the soil itself has warmed up to 15-20 degrees Celsius. Greens require a lot of light, so try to plant the green so that it receives sunlight. The soil is usually fertilized with humus, which allows the crop to grow faster.

Lettuce is rich in folic acid and beta-carotene, where the latter is a powerful antioxidant that successfully helps protect body cells from disease.


You need to plant greens in the month of May in a well-moistened soil. The soil should also be rich in calcium, which will allow wild garlic to rise faster. Culture likes light, but also grows well in partial shade.

Wild garlic is rich in vitamin C, as well as keratin, mineral salts, protein, fructose. It helps lower blood cholesterol, and also normalizes metabolism.


Celery is sown early, preferably before the beginning of May. The seeds are first soaked, and then sown into the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Thus, the seeds will yield faster. It is worth watering the greens in the morning and in the evening, and on especially hot days, it is worth adding a third watering.

Celery contains vitamins of groups A, C and B6, and is also rich in various minerals. It helps to establish digestion, due to the content of essential oils.

Cucumber herb

In another way, cucumber grass is called borago. In the early spring, greenery is sown in neutral soil, to a shallow depth. Watering the crop is in the morning and evening.

Borago is very rich in vitamin C, carotene, as well as mineral salts. Greens got its name because it smells of fresh cucumber, which its leaves smell like. Borago is not only tasty greens, but also is considered a medicinal plant. It is able to normalize the digestive processes of the body.



