How to remove foundation stains from clothes - universal life hacks

Ammonia and soda

  • Thanks to a solution of ammonia and soda, even large spots of the foundation can be removed. First, soak two pieces of cotton wool in 10% ammonia and attach to the site of contamination. On the one hand - the front and on the other - the wrong side.
  • Leave cotton swabs for a couple of minutes, and then a dirty place on the clothes should be covered with baking soda. Leave also for a couple of minutes, and then shake off the soda and rinse the clothes.


  • If you spilled liquid and persistent foundation on yourself, then gasoline will help you. You need to moisten two pieces of fleece in gasoline and attach it to the stain on both sides. Leave them for ten minutes, and then rinse the clothes.

Dishwashing liquid

Apply to the stain of the fairies foundation dishwashing cream and leave for two hours. After the thing you need to wash it in the machine or manually with a small addition of soap directly on the spot. Instead of fairies, you can use any dishwashing liquid.


  • With a woolen fabric, starch will help to remove the stain from the foundation. Fill in dirty places well and leave for fifteen minutes. Then shake them off the clothes and wash the item.

Removing stains from white clothing

Soak a cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and wipe the dirty place on the fabric well, and then it should be washed with bleach.

Using stain remover

  • Apply to dirty places on clothing and leave it on for 15 minutes. After that, rinse the item in cold water and then rub the dirty stain with laundry soap and wash well. With this method, you need to wash the stain until the dirt is completely gone.
  • The second method with stain remover works like this. Pour hot water into the basin and add stain remover. Then put the thing in the water and leave it for 6 hours. Then wash it.

Makeup remover

  • Take regular micellar water or other makeup remover and soak a cotton pad in it. Then begin to make circular movements with a cotton pad: smooth and light, to wash the cream from the clothes, and not to rub it even more.

Stain Remover Pencil

  • Thanks to this pencil, you can immediately remove the stain from your clothes. To do this, you should rub the dirty place with a pencil and leave it for 10 minutes. Then wash the item and if the stain is not washed, then the procedure should be repeated again.


