How to sew a vest

Choose a fabric

Of course, the main step for creating a baby's undershirt is the correct selection of fabric. Always start from the time of the year during which you decide to sew the vest. Summer A fine choice would be chintz, cambric, calico or cotton knitwear.




But for winter time warmer types of fabric, such as a bike, flannel, will do.



With the colors of the fabric, you are free to choose what you see fit.

Sizes of underpants

There is a universal table that allows you to determine the size of a future baby's undershirt by his age:

  • From 0 to 2 months: length - 23 cm; width - 24-28 cm; sleeve length - 6 cm; sleeve width - 10 cm.
  • From 2 to 6 months: length - 26 cm; width - 32 cm; sleeve length - 8 cm; sleeve width - 12 cm.
  • From 6 to 12 months: length - 30 cm; width - 34 cm; sleeve length - 10 cm; sleeve width - 14 cm.


To make it clear to you how to properly make a pattern for the undershirt, you can use our tooltip.

Cutting and sewing products

  • We start work with the part of the shelf that you need to put on the fabric and adding 1 cm to the seams to cut it. Then we repeat the steps, only with the back detail, also remembering to leave one centimeter for the allowances, and two from the bottom.
  • In order for the baby to be comfortable in the future vest, she needs to be sewn with a seam on her face. We begin to sew the shoulder and side lines, and after that we hem the bottom. You can also decorate your vest with a lace frill.

Sewing with a photo instruction

Take regular chintz fabric 145 cm wide and 0.260 meters long. Any fabric for decoration, it can be lace or stitching of any color and thread in tone.

Fold the fabric to the widow, and then put the patterns on it in the direction of the shared thread.

Each part must be outlined in chalk so that they can be cut out of fabric afterwards.

Then proceed to cutting parts without leaving fabric for allowances.

When the details are cut out, then in the center of your future vest, you can sew a strip of lace, as shown in the photo. Or leave it as it is, without decorating the product.

If you still decide to use the decoration, then sew it with a sewing machine.

And the shoulder seams must be sealed with an overlock seam out. Similarly, process the bottom of the sleeves, both smells and neckline on both sides. And after the side seams and seams of the sleeves.

Voila! The beautiful vest is ready!


