Yogurt without yogurt maker
- 1 liter of fresh milk 2.7%.
- 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt.
Fermentation Process:
Pour all the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, but do not boil. During the cooking process, you will need to remove the resulting foam a couple of times.
Then, when the milk is heated to the desired temperature, pour it into the glass container that comes with the lid, so that after closing it.
Milk needs to be cooled to a temperature of 38C, because it is at this temperature that the fermentation process begins.
Then add our yogurt to milk.
Using a whisk, mix everything well.
Then the container must be closed with a lid and set aside in a warm place.
Then wrap the container with a warm blanket and leave it for 10 hours.
In the morning, when you open the container, you will see a lot of serum that needs to be drained.
We pour the yogurt into jars to make it more convenient to store it in the refrigerator. Such yogurt can be stored for up to 5 days.
And all the yogurt is ready!
Yogurt in a yogurt maker
- Any dry sourdough for yogurt (you can find them in any pharmacy)
- 1 liter of milk.
Fermentation Process:
- First, all the dishes in which you will boil, and after mixing the yogurt you need to boil. You also need to boil milk.
- Then the milk must be cooled to 37-40 degrees and add dry sourdough to it. Mix well. After pour the mixture into jars in a yogurt maker and turn on the “yogurt” mode. Souring will take about 8 hours.
- When time passes, then you should check the yogurt for density. If it is not thick enough, then it is worthwhile to extend the leaven time by a couple more hours. Such yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.
Yogurt in a slow cooker
- Any dry sourdough for yogurt;
- 1 liter of milk 2.7%;
Fermentation Process:
- You also need to boil the milk, and then cool it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. When the milk has cooled, add dry sourdough into it and mix well with a whisk.
- Then pour the mixture into the slow cooker and set the mode to “40 C.” It takes about 8 hours to ferment the yogurt. Such yogurt, like others, will be suitable for 5 days in the refrigerator.
Thermos Yogurt
- 1 liter of milk 2.7%;
- Any dry yogurt sourdough.
Fermentation Process:
- Before use, a thermos should be doused with boiling water to kill all kinds of bacteria that were inside. Then boil the milk, and then cool to 40 degrees. Mix milk and sourdough and mix thoroughly.
- Then pour the mixture into a thermos and tightly close it with a lid. Souring time usually takes up to 8 hours. Do not touch the thermos so as not to interfere with the fermentation process. When time passes, the yogurt should be poured into any dishes and put in the refrigerator for four hours, until fully cooked.