How to stretch a shrunken thing after washing?

Wool Clothing Tips

  • If you have a woolen thing, then you can easily return it to its previous state. You can easily restore it to its previous size. Pour water into a basin and, following the calculation, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide on 11 l water stir peroxide in it.

  • Then soak the wool in this water and rinse thoroughly. While rinsing, begin to stretch the item in those places where the item shrunk. When you rinse your thing well, you need to leave it in solution for another 1,5 hourso that she finally returned to her previous state.

Then you need to spread the product on a table or on any flat and smooth surface so that it does not deform again.

Warm water

  • This method is suitable for restoring things from any fabric. You need to pour 30 degrees into a basin of warm water and soak your thing in it. Leave it on for ten minutes, and then lay it on any smooth and even surface so that it dries.

It is recommended to cover the item with a terry cloth so that it absorbs water faster.

Using ammonia and turpentine for silk

  • You need to mix ammonia and warm 30 C water in a basin. Based on the calculation: for five liters of water, three tablespoons of ammonia and one tablespoon of turpentine. Mix everything well and put the thing in such water for forty minutes.

After the thing you need to rinse in cold water and leave to dry on a smooth surface.

Using baking soda

  • In two liters of cold water you need to dissolve 25 grams of ordinary soda and mix the solution well. Soak your item in it for a night or twelve hours, and then wash and dip it into the solution, only another one.

  • The second solution consists of 11 tablespoons of tartaric acid in two liters of water. Soak the shrunken thing in the second solution and leave for two hours. It is only worth constantly turning it over so that the solution can affect the thing from all sides equally.

Cold water

  • You can stretch a thing if you soak well the shrunken thing in cold water, and then put it on yourself and walk in it until it dries completely. Of course, before putting a thing on itself, it should be wrung out well.

  • And remember that this method is not suitable for everyone. Since a cold thing can easily catch a person. But if you are not afraid, then this method is considered the most effective. When the thing dries on you, hang it on a trempel and leave it for a couple of hours.


