Fabric selection
The most common fabric that is used in sewing bedding is calico. Coarse calico is a durable and durable fabric, which is distinguished by its property not to lose color even after repeated washings. Just remember that such a fabric is called calico-premium or calico-euro, but other types of calico can lose color.
Also remember that when choosing a fabric you should always pay attention to the pattern. If the picture is an integral image, and you would not want to cut the fabric heavily, then you need to take it more so that the future duvet cover turns out to be successful.
And any kind of calico shrinks after washing: from about two to five cm in width and from four to eight in length. This means that this fact also needs to be taken into account when cutting the material.
Duvet Cover Pattern
To make the pattern for the future duvet cover correctly, you need to measure your blanket, for which you sew the product and add another 5 centimeters on each side.
You can also use our ready-made patterns if the size is suitable for your blankets.
We sew a duvet cover
When the pattern is ready, proceed to the fabric from which you will cut out the details. Before work, the fabric needs to be washed, and then well steamed. It is then that the fabric will shrink, and you can more accurately determine the size of the future duvet cover.
And now we begin to cut out our details from fabric. You should end up with two rectangles that are slightly larger than your blanket. Now they need to be stitched. To do this, each part must be sewn separately, turning the edge of the fabric by 0.5 centimeters several times.
Then two parts are sewn together on three sides with the front sides to each other. But the fourth side you need to leave untouched for the hole. You are free to choose the size of the hole through which you will later set the blanket. Usually this hole is 45 cm.
When you have decided on the size of the hole, then sew the side from one corner to another, skipping the zone of the hole. The edges of the hole itself must be processed. They can be sewn or sewn on a sewing machine with a regular seam.
And on the hole itself you can put a zipper or sew buttons. This will add convenience to your duvet cover, which will allow the blanket not to fall out of it.