Life statuses with meaning
- Not the wise one who knows a lot, but the one who knows the right thing.
- Before you start talking, make sure that someone is listening to you.
- Our life makes sense as much as we sincerely want to live.
- Drive your friends that you betrayed once, who betrayed once, betray you and twice!
- Life is so devilishly designed that without knowing how to hate it is impossible to sincerely love
- Life is so arranged that we are happy only in anticipation of change; the changes themselves mean nothing to us; they just happened, and we are longing for new ones.
- If you want, you will find time; if you want, you will find the reason.
- Never tell people about your misfortunes, most of them are not interested at all, and the rest are happy that you have them!
- Life loves to darken in order to then shine brighter with its bright side ....
- Any person on our way meets for a reason. One will bring joy, and the other will teach you how to live and temper character.
- If you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk, you can dance.
- Over time, you get tired of reaching out to people who do not take a step towards you.
Life statuses with meaning in pictures
New life statuses with meaning
- Until you get out of the queens, walk and don’t dare!
- Someone else's life, like other people's windows. Even if there are flowers on the windowsill, this does not mean that there is paradise inside.
- Every woman likes to be given flowers until she finds out that diamonds are given to others.
- The black stripe will not change to white if you go along it.
- Very often a person is smarter than he needs it for happiness.
- If you did everything right, this does not mean that you will be fine.
- Do not trust the opinion of billions of flies - there is nothing interesting in shit.
- A horseman may be without a head. The horse cannot afford it.
- Any problem ceases to be a problem with the right attitude towards it.
- There are far fewer people who are ready to die for an idea than there are people who are ready to die for it.
- You stock up with patience, and anger builds up.
- The more carefully the plan is worked out, the more stupid the reason it will collapse.
- The easiest way to confuse a person who is not going anywhere.
- In a democracy, every sheep have the right to choose who will cut it.
- It’s good to be mistaken for yours. Bad when in the pigsty.
- When you're beside yourself, don’t count on yourself anymore.
- When you saw in your hands, you look at everything like a tree.
- Do not waste time knocking on the wall and hoping that it will turn into a door.
- I was offended by the Creator that I didn’t have boots until I met a young man who was without legs.
- Never use the advice of people who do not live the way you dream to live.
- Remember the rule of the balloon - to throw out all the excess to gain height!
- Most often, promises are made in order to reassure, and not in order to fulfill.
- Many people wait all week for Friday, all month for holidays, all year for summer, and all life for happiness.
- Not everyone can get into people, someone just lives like a man ...
- If you have not made this world a better place, then you came in vain.
- There is nothing richer in capabilities than emptiness.
- Be mindful of your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
- The most successful combination of circumstances is that which is planned in advance.
- Before you start something, find out how to finish it.
Life tips
Always remember friends, that we have one life and we simply don’t have time for fears, insults, disagreements. Today there was a man, and tomorrow he was gone and this is real life in which we are all mortal and at any moment we can go where we came from.
- The most valuable gift most people have is time!
- If you have legs, arms, eyesight, hearing - you are endowed with greater wealth than people with disabilities.
- Life is a dance. Dance at home, at work, with your family, friends and even strangers and your life will be filled with bright colors and happiness.
- Appreciate your loved ones while they are near, and then the time is fleeting and soon they will go back to the Creator.