How to sew a tack

Tack mitten

You'll need:

  • Thick fabric of any color;
  • Any sealant (it can be purchased at the fabric store).
  • Glue non-woven;
  • Decor in the form of rings.

Sewing process:

  • Use our photo hint to make the correct pattern. To understand what size you will have the future tack on this pattern, pay attention to the first box of the photo, where the ruler lies next to the fabric.
  • When the pattern is ready, transfer it to the fabric and cut four parts for two mittens. As a result, you should get eight pieces: one - a straight line, the other in a mirror image.
  • After proceeding to the cutting of parts from non-woven fabric. You will need four pieces of detail. Then you need to cut out several strips from the fabric to make a fringing of future tacks and eyelets for ringlets.

Details Size:

  • From non-woven fabric, cut the same details and glue the edging and loops of fabric. Now it's time to assemble parts as indicated in the photo. When you have collected all the details they need to be quilted.
  • After we begin to sew them, and then we turn the product on the front side and sew on our borders and loops. In the loops themselves, it is worth driving the rings so that after this grip you can hang on the hook.

Ideas for Tacking Gloves

Butterfly Tack

You will need all the same materials as when sewing a mitten mitten.

  • Use our photo hint in order to make a pattern. When the pattern is transferred to the fabric, you will need to cut the material into two parts, and make a long incision in the center.
  • Then we begin to sew together the upper parts of the tack + warming, but it is always worth stepping back from the edge of about 3 cm. Make a border and go to the next step.
  • Do the same job only with the lower parts of the tack.
  • Now we attach the braid on the sides and edges of the product.

Ideas for a Butterfly Tack

Jeans gloves

Have your jeans already outlived yours? Then it’s not the time to throw them out, because there is a very interesting move on how to sew tacks from them.

  • Take the back pockets out of your jeans, just remember to cut the fabric more to allow for allowances. When the details are cut, it is worth cutting another 1 part for each tack from another dense fabric and stitch them with our jeans pockets.

Fabric Tips

It is best to select certain types of fabric for a future tack so that it can withstand the temperature, and also last much longer.

Linen - this fabric is very dense and reliable. It has a pronounced structure, but pleasant in tactile sensations.

Cotton- A great option for sewing any kind of tack. Cotton is a natural fabric and very durable.

Felt - This is a high-density felt material that is used to fill tacks, but can also serve as decorative types of tacks.


