How to sew with a secret seam - 2 universal options

Option 1

In order for the seam to be truly countersunk, you need to match the threads to match your product.

1 step.

  • We thread the thread into the eye of the needle and make a bundle at its end so that the thread does not pop out of the needle. And now you need to iron allowances inside out to make it more convenient to sew. We pass the needle and thread through the fabric so that our knot on the thread hides between the folds of the fabric and is not visible. Thus, the current thread will go along the edge of the folds of your product.

  • Now you need to pass the needle through the fabric on the opposite side to finally grab three to six mm of fabric with a thread. This way you get a straight stitch that connects the two sides.

2 Step.

  • Again you need to grab as much tissue with a needle, only already, on the other hand. Whenever you finish another stitch, the thread needs to be tightened to hold the fabric parts together better. But at the same time, do not overdo it, otherwise the fabric may become cramped.

  • Continue stitching the two sides of the fabric in the manner described above until you hide the hole.

3 Step.

  • If you want to finish the line, then you need to correctly fix the thread on the fabric. To do this, in the loop of thread, you need to pass the needle, as shown in the figure, and tighten the knot. You need to make a similar move a couple of times to fix the line more reliably.

Option 2

In the second option, in order to sew in a blind seam, you will need pins to hold the product together.

1 step.

  • Fold the two edges of the product you are going to sew with a blind seam and fasten them together with pins. After we put a thread of suitable color to the fabric in the eye of the needle and make a bundle at its end so that the thread does not fall out of the needle.

2 Step.

  • For the first time, you always need to pierce the fabric from the inside with a needle to hide the bundle. Now make the first stitch, and then pull the existing thread. After the main thread you need to tighten, but not so that the fabric does not deform.

  • We continue to make stitches in this way until the two sides of the part are joined.

  • As a tip, it’s worth remembering that during work you need to pay attention to the wrong side so that there are no wrinkles on the fabric, which indicate that you are tightening the thread too much.

Make the stitches small and neat, because long stitches will not hold the product securely, and it will soon tear again. Also, you can always check yourself on the wrong seam. If it is obtained in parallel lines, then you are doing everything right.


