Olga Nikolaeva, she is the Sun
Olga was 21 years old when she came to the project. She immediately began to live in a vip house with another participant in the show, Alexander Nelidov. She had a good musical talent and wrote many songs, one of which accompanied the screensaver for the show.
Now Olga is touring as a DJ and singer, she also creates needlework groups, where she organizes her master classes. The girl’s life is active and eventful. She practices yoga and meditation.
Anastasia Dashko
Anastasia Dashko was remembered by many viewers for her ardent character. She often scandalized with another participant Olga Buzova, which ultimately ended in friendship. On the project, she was connected by the longest romance in three years with Sam Seleznev.
After leaving the show, when it became clear that the girl won the victory in an unfair way, she went into business in Chelyabinsk. But a little later, she framed her partner, for which she was sentenced to three years in prison. After a year and a half, the girl was released ahead of schedule, and soon she married a kickboxer. Now Anastasia lives in the city of Zlatoust and is engaged in housekeeping.
Alena Vodonaeva
Alena came to the project in 2004 and spent almost three years in the project. She created a couple with Stepan Menshchikov, where, with the help of scandals, she paved her way forward.
Now Alena is engaged in modeling business, and is also actively involved in other television projects. Such as Dancing with the Stars, Duel, Invisible Man and others.
Olga Buzova
Olga came to the project as a participant, but after four years she became its leader. Now Olga is a popular and famous Russian blogger, and she also launched her cryptocurrency. Olga shot her video, and also gives concerts in Russian cities.
And in 2024, Olga Buzova opened her own restaurant in the center of Moscow - Buz FOOD. In the same year, the project “Marry Buzova,” which is an analogue of the show “The Bachelor,” appears on the screen.
Maria Politova
Maria came and went from the project, as a result of which it turned out that the girl returned to the project three times. After a while, Maria was kicked out of the show, and the girl took up journalism.
Maria was a fashion model, and also did makeup. Unfortunately, in 2017, after the girl disappeared, she was found dead. According to her common-law husband, Maria suffered from bipolar disorder and was taking strong medications.
Maria Petrovskaya
Masha was remembered by many viewers as a sweet and kind girl from Taganrog. Masha met on a project with Denis Kochetov, after which she was never able to create a strong couple anymore.
After the project, Masha began working in a large company as an assistant director. But after some time she was photographed in a communications store, where the girl works as an ordinary sales assistant.
Natalya Pavlova
The girl quickly entered the project, where she came for May Abrikosov. But a little later, she made a couple with Alexander Nelidov, whom she married. But unfortunately, the couple soon broke up due to Nelidov’s reluctance to become a father.
Now Natalia is happy in her new marriage and is engaged in raising a child.
Roman Tretyakov
The novel was on the project for three years and created the strongest couple together with Olga Buzova. They delighted the audience for many years, until Roman was forced to leave the project.
After participating in the show, Roman wrote a book where he tells in detail for all the moments of his life on the screen, as well as for the reason for his departure. Relations with Olga, he ended immediately after the project. Now Roman is married to the girl Sveta, they have a daughter. He works as a host at weddings, also writes scripts and engages in an active social life.
May Apricosov
May Abrikosov is a pseudonym. In fact, the guy’s name is Roman Tertishny. May on the project was held for the prince, due to his appearance and behavior. Many participants in the show were in love with him, but May chose Olga Nikolaevna (the Sun) as his couple. Soon the couple broke up and May soon left the project.
Now Mai lives in the village of Korotyak, where after the death of his grandmother he inherited a house. The man is engaged in livestock breeding, as well as seedlings.
Sam Seleznev
Sam Seleznev came to the project in 2005 and almost immediately created a strong couple with Anastasia Dashko. The guys spent three years together. When the couple left the project, they did not stay together for more than a year and broke up.
Now Sam is the owner of a beauty salon and often moonlights as a sports news anchor. The guy also works as a DJ.
Stas and Oscar Karimov
Young twin brothers conquered everyone with their talents. They played the guitar, danced break-dance, but in their personal lives they didn’t succeed. Both guys were in love with the leading shows: Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodin.
Now the guys are touring together, I own a travel company and a clothing store.
Stepan Menshchikov
Stepan also met with Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Boney and Olga Buzova, but it did not work out seriously not with one of them. After the show, he continues to participate in various projects, and also often appears on television.
At the moment, Stepan organizes events and speaks at corporate parties. He is married to a girl named Eugene and they have two children.
Alexander Nelidov
Alexander Nelidov and Natalya Pavlova got married on the project and became the second participants who did so. Unfortunately, after the couple left the project, they did not spend much time together.
Now Alexander is happy with his second wife, they are raising a daughter. Alexander is a business coach who travels around the country and gives master classes.