Dry air
If leaves of their edges or ends dry on your plant, then it is time to pay attention to the too dry air in the apartment or house. If it is winter and the plant is near a heat source, then it is most likely very hot there. Move the plant further into the interior of the room and follow it. If the dryness is gone, then you are right, if not, then the reason is different.
If you notice dryness on the leaves of the plant in the summer, then simply rearrange the pot to another window where the sun does not shine so much.
Excess moisture
If you water the plant heavily, especially if it does not often require water, then it will inevitably begin to dry out. Read on the Internet for your plant, how much it definitely requires water and water no more no less.
Ideally, water should be watered when it has already dried out and is hard to touch. Then it is worth watering it again. But remember that for some types of plants such watering will be small and the plant may begin to dry again.
Lack of moisture
Too little and rarely water the plant? Then wait for the leaves to dry. The plant needs to be watered only with settled water, and according to the schedule for each species in its own way. Also, in the hot season, spray the plant with a spray gun so that not only the roots, but also the foliage is saturated with water.
Top dressing
If your plant requires top dressing, then look at what kind and whether you are giving it nutrition exactly as it should. After all, an overabundance and deficiency can lead the leaves of the plant to dryness.
Have a good look at your plant for any damage other than dryness. If you see small midges or bugs, then your plant is infected with pests. If there is nothing similar on the stem and leaves, then it is worth looking at the roots of the plant. Perhaps they are struck.
Use special insecticides to get rid of pests. And the leaves themselves should be washed with a soapy solution.
Pot too tight
If your plant has become very large, then it's time to think about transplanting it. After all, if the roots are crowded in a pot, then the leaves can dry, and the plant completely stops growing.
Iron deficiency
If you have a citrus plant, then the tips of the leaves dry due to a lack of iron in them. In specialized stores, you can easily find such an element.
The soil
If you see a white coating on the soil, be sure to remove it. This layer should be replaced with a clean substrate, so that the roots feed correctly. Always clean the leaves of the plant from dust, because they clog the plant and it cannot breathe. From here both dryness and loss of color.