Aloe is a very unpretentious plant that does not require constant watering. An ideal option would be to water it 2 times a week, less often and only with standing water. It does not require transplantation, as well as top dressing. It tolerates both cold and heat.
And for its medicinal properties, aloe is valued even more compared to other plants. If you see that aloe has become too tall, you can cut its leaves and put in the refrigerator. So they will not lose their beneficial properties. And aloe vera will continue to grow without any problems.
Mother-in-law's tongue
In another way it is called sansevieria. Such a plant perfectly withstands cold, so it can often be seen in the cold lobby in cinemas, restaurants or cafes.
It easily grows in a dark place and requires rare watering. By the way, it is better not to water such a plant in winter at all so that the plant can rest. It will stop its growth, and by the spring will again depart after the first watering.
Wax ivy
Wax ivy is also known by another name as hoya. Hoya is a persistent, ampoule plant that has ornate long stems and fleshy flowers. It tolerates cold and heat equally well, and also does not require daily watering.
Hoya can easily endure the lack of watering for several months. But even if it turns out that you have overdone too much and forgot about the plant at all and it has completely dried up, do not despair. You need to cut the stalk from the stem and immerse it in water. After a few weeks, the plant will give new roots.
Phalaenopsis is one of the varieties of orchids. It has flowers similar to butterfly wings. The plant is not only not whimsical to care for, but also will bloom profusely for three months.
It can be placed on the south side or in a darker place. The only requirement that this type of orchid asks for is additional lighting in winter. A fluorescent lamp can help you with this, which will increase daylight hours for a flower up to 14 hours.
Crassula oval
Such a plant is also called the “money tree." Due to its fleshy leaves, the plant accumulates water in them, so it can be watered extremely rarely. Crassula can grow both on the sunny side of the apartment and in a dark corner. Feeding her is unnecessary and replanting too.
The most interesting thing is that Crassula grows well at a temperature of 10 degrees, without slowing down its growth. One has only to choose the right soil for it. It should contain more sand and perlite. When watering a plant, you should always take breaks so that the soil has time to dry.
Chlorophytum is a beautiful and delicate plant, like grass. But do not be fooled. This plant is very hardy and is not at all afraid of drought, excess moisture, cold or heat.
The most interesting thing is that chlorophytum perfectly absorbs harmful substances from the air. Therefore, in an apartment where there is such a plant, it is always easier to breathe. Therefore, many people choose this type of plant and not one so that each room is full of fresh and purified air.
Aspidistra is a very resistant plant, which is little dependent on sunlight. It grows beautifully in an office room with artificial lighting.
Aspidistra also tolerates cold and heat and does not require daily watering. Often such a plant is called "cast iron" for its ability to survive in different conditions. It can even be placed in rooms where there is a constant draft, and in winter the temperature drops to ten degrees.
The plant does not require special care, as well as watering. It can grow in one pot for a long time and it is necessary to transplant it only when its roots completely fill the pot.
Zamioculcas easily tolerates the bright sun, so it can be safely kept on the windowsill of the sunny side of the apartment. Only the soil for him should be nutritious. The soil for violets will suit such a plant as well as possible.
Nolina is a desert plant. It has a bizarre shape that will refresh any apartment design. Nolina does not require constant watering, and can do without it for 1-2 weeks.
The main requirement of such a flower is a rare but plentiful watering. If you plant the plant correctly, it will grow. To do this, you need to pick up a small pot, as well as loose soil, so that the water does not linger in it.
Ampel plant, which has beautiful heart-shaped and rounded leaves. The plant can grow up to almost half a meter, which allows you to use this species for vertical gardening.
It is completely not whimsical to sunlight, so that it can be placed even in the most dimly lit room. Scindapsus helps cleanse the air of harmful substances, which has a beneficial effect on human health.
This plant is not whimsical to care for and blooms throughout the year. It perfectly withstands the absence of the sun, but in winter it is recommended to rearrange it to the south window, so the leaves will be greener.
It does not require daily watering, and also tolerates drought. If the plant is dry, then a new watering can revive it without any problems. The only whimsical plant is warm. It can not be placed in cold rooms, as well as places where there is a constant draft.