How to make a slime at home: 5 easy and easy recipes

Slime with PVA glue and tetraborate

The most popular way to make a slime at home is with PVA glue.

You will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • Sodium tetroborate (you can buy it at any pharmacy)
  • Water;
  • Food coloring;
  • Sequins or other decor;
  • Rubber gloves, container and spoon.

Cooking process:

  • First you need to mix water with glue, in a ratio of 100 ml of glue and 100 ml of water. Remember that the more glue you take, the larger the slime. Stir glue and water well, and then add tetraborate into it and mix again.
  • Now take a regular plastic bag and put the mixture in it. Mash the mixture well through the bag. After pull the mixture from the bag and the slime is ready. If you would like to add sparkles or other decor to it, then you need to add them in the process of mixing water and glue.

Slime with soda and dishwashing liquid (without tetraborate)

  • Pour half a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent into a bowl and add 0.5 tablespoon of baking soda to it. Mix well. You should get a thick, uniform mixture.

  • Then in the mass you need to add hand cream (any) also 0.5 tablespoons and any food coloring (optional). Then transfer the mixture to a bag and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After pull it out and knead it in your hands. Slime is ready!

Shampoo and sugar slime (without glue and tetraborate)

  • Take any shampoo about 50 ml and mix it with sugar (1 teaspoon). Alter the composition until a uniform consistency is obtained. If you see that the composition is too liquid, then add sugar to it until the mass becomes thicker.

  • Then you need to put the mixture in the freezer on a plastic bag for 1-2 hours. After, when the slime unfreezes, a rather viscous and elastic slime is obtained.

Shaving foam slime (without glue and tetraborate)

  • You will also need starch and water. Mix starch with a glass of warm water at the rate of 1 glass per 350 grams of starch. Thoroughly mix the composition to a homogeneous consistency, and then add shaving foam (about 50 ml)

  • If you want to get a color slime, then you can also add food coloring to it (you can have several at once). Mix the mass well again and the slime is ready.

Slime with toothpaste and PVA glue

  • To make the slime as large as possible, squeeze the entire tube of toothpaste into the container. Then add a little glue to it and mix well. If the mass does not thicken, then you can add more glue to make it sticky.

  • When the mixture is ready, refrigerate it for 20 minutes. When time passes, pull out the slime and begin to knead it in your hand to give it uniformity and elasticity.

Ideas for painting a slice with color dyes or sparkles


