How to cook friable rice - simple and useful tips

Rice and cold water

Perhaps the very first and most popular way to cook friable rice you need to rinse it under cold water. Rinse the rice until the water becomes clear. This way you wash the starch, which allows the rice to become smoother without stickiness.

It is most convenient to wash the rice through a sieve, but here, for every housewife, their own convenient method is suitable.

Rice proportions

For rice to be friable and soft and tasty, the correct proportions of rice and water must be observed. Always assume ½, where 1 is rice and 2 is water. That is, if you take 1 cup of rice, then you will need 2 cups of water.

But there is also a certain table where the volumes of water and rice are clearly indicated, based on the type of the latter:

  • Long grain - 1/4 + 20 minutes of cooking;

  • Mid-grain - 1/3 + 20 minutes of cooking;

  • Round grain - 1/2 + 15-20 minutes of cooking;

  • Steamed - 1/2 + 30 minutes of cooking;

  • Brown - 1/3 + 40 minutes of cooking;

  • Wild - 1/4 + 40-60 minutes of cooking.

Cooking process

  • When the rice is washed in the manner described above, and you already know how much you need to cook any kind, then proceed to cooking. You will need a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom, so the rice will not burn, and if not, take any.

  • Pour rice into the pan and pour the required amount of water. Salt water. Then put the pan on a big fire and wait until it boils. In the process of boiling water, stir the rice only 1 time.

  • When the water boils, reduce the heat to low and close the pan with a lid. Note the cooking time (for each species, its own time) and do not bother anymore, otherwise you will not get friable rice.

When time is on the way, do not open the lid. Turn off the heat and let the rice brew. It takes about 15 minutes to drink the rice with the remaining water.

The secret to fast cooking

To cook rice faster, you need to soak it in cold water for 30-60 minutes. This will allow you to saturate the rice with moisture, and when you put it to boil the water should be used less than in the mandatory table of the ratio of rice to water. Thus, you will reduce the widow's cooking time.

Rice in the pan

The pan for cooking rice in it should have a diamter of 24 cm and high sides, otherwise it will not work to cook the grains. After washing the rice, you need to fry it a little in vegetable oil. Rice must be fried for 1-2 minutes, no more. Stir it constantly during the roasting process.

Then fill it with boiling water based on water and rice according to the above table. Do not forget to close the pan with a lid and do not stir more rice until the end of cooking.


