Vintage hairstyles (55 photos)

Hollywood wave

The most popular and sought-after vintage hairstyle is the Hollywood wave. The Hollywood wave was popular in Hollywood in the 1920s. And he knew the world about her thanks to the French hairdresser Marcel Gratot, who invented this type of hair curl.

It was such a hairstyle in the 20s that all ladies from high society wore. Hollywood curls - a classic retro hairstyle. She perfectly suits different hairs and the most amazing thing is that such styling is easy and simple to do at home. To find out how to do such a home installation, you can look here.

Babette Hairstyle

Babette hairstyle is distinguished by a large and voluminous pile on the crown, and the rest of the hair is collected on the back of the head in a shell or voluminous bundle. Often this pile is compared with the hemisphere, which allows the hairstyle to give the hair a phenomenal volume.

This hairstyle was once worn by the great actress Brigitte Bardot. For the first time, the world saw a hairstyle on an actress in the film "Babette Goes to War." Since then, the world for women of that time has turned upside down. The 60s accounted for the main fashion trend for such a hairstyle.

Pin Up Hairstyles

A bright, stylish image of hairstyles conquered many women in the 60s. The hairstyle is distinguished from others by cold waves, tight curls and a necessarily twisted bang from one side of the head or immediately from two. Often such a hairstyle was decorated with decorative elements: flowers, bright ribbons, hairpins.

Pin-up hairstyles look great on short, medium or long hair. A variant of its execution may include loose hair, and collected in a bun or tail. Only twisted bangs should be present here as an indispensable element.

Chicago Hairstyles

These vintage hairstyles are also compared to Gatsby hairstyles. Hairstyles are distinguished from others by wide or thin bandages that run through the entire forehead, and it can also be feathers and large flower buds.

In such hairstyles, parting was deliberately made only on one side, and often women gathered hair to expose the neck and décolleté. If it was curls, then they were lush and voluminous, and if straight hair - cold waves with a "wet" effect.

Style guy

This malvinka is very similar to the modern look, but has a very voluminous fleece in the region of the crown. Often such a hairstyle is decorated with a wide ribbon with bright decor.

Style tail

The basis for such a hairstyle is the usual ponytail, but with some addition. In the parietal zone, the hair is gathered in curls and laid on its side or a regular braid is braided, where the links themselves need to be dissolved. Thus, a voluminous crown and a regular tail are obtained.

In another embodiment, the tail itself can be wound, and around the elastic band tie a wide ribbon with a bright decor.


