With age, the shell of our eyes turns white from yellow. Also, it is often prone to inflammation and therefore blushes. Thanks to the must-have tool, you can forget about this problem. It strengthens blood vessels, removes the yellowish color from protein, but before using it is worth consulting with an ophthalmologist, because individual intolerance to the drug is possible.
Do not neglect makeup, even the lightest and easiest. Because at the age of 50+, a woman needs to emphasize the tone of her face, as well as her eyes, in order to look younger.
Of course, the most important thing in age makeup is skin and proper makeup base. Your skin now needs constant replenishment, for which it is worth using special creams: day and night.
The basis
Makeup should not be applied without concealer and concealer. Thanks to these two means, the powder and foundation will lay down in an even and smooth layer. The concealer will help to hide age spots, bruises under the eyes, and the corrector will help mask shallow wrinkles.
Powder, foundation and blush
After applying the foundation, you need to use powder and foundation, but you can all at once. Most importantly, do not apply too much of both, this will create a plaster effect on your face. A little foundation in the area under the eyes, forehead, selections, and then gently powder on top of the matting powder.
Blush should be used constantly. They will give your face a healthy and fresh look, which will allow you to look younger.
Always highlight eyebrows with a pencil, emphasizing them no more than your natural eyebrows. Use black eyeliner for large eyes, but for small ones it is better to do without it and just tint eyelids in light shades of shadows.
Depending on the nature of the event you are going to, it is worth doing your makeup. If it is an evening holiday, then use the dark shades of shadows, if the day, then light. Remember that if you highlight the eyes, then the lips need to be tinted in nude shades of lipstick. If lips, then apply light shadows on the eyelids and use a pencil to a minimum.
Try not to overdo it, as in this case.
Lipstick at this age is most often selected more delicate. But again, depending on the event, you can use any shade. The ban is only on orange, purple, dark burgundy, black and colorless lip glosses.
Best skin creams 50+
Cream manufacturing Israel. The cream actively penetrates the deepest layers of the skin and helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. It also smoothes out old wrinkles and helps to tighten the oval as a whole.
If you have deep wrinkles, then this cream is your salvation. The cream is suitable for skin with age spots and with bruises under the eyes. It helps to get rid of them effectively.
This cream perfectly protects your skin from sun exposure. It also helps brighten the face, giving it a natural glow. It nourishes dry skin and helps get rid of various age-related defects.