Thanks to eggs, you can fully saturate our body with protein. Protein from eggs is absorbed much faster than from meat, so athletes most often eat it to recover after hard training. But you should not practice raw food eating, and drink eggs without heat treatment.
The best option on the advice of nutritionists is to boil soft-boiled eggs. It is not recommended to fry eggs, because when frying all the useful substances, including protein, turn into bad cholesterol.
Dairy products
Cheese, feta cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt - very rich in protein and calcium. But milk does not contain many nutrients compared to the products described above.
When choosing cheese, cottage cheese or other fermented milk products, always remember that the less their fat content, the more calcium and protein.
Beans, lentils, peas, soy, rank, maize, chickpeas - are rich sources of vegetable protein, which is best absorbed by the body. Thanks to which you can eat 100 grams of beans and get more protein from more than 1 kilogram of meat.
From legume nutritionists, beans and lentils are the most useful, calling the protein in their composition the highest quality. But soy is perfect for people prone to allergic reactions and lactose intolerance. Soy is a great way to lose weight.
Fish and seafood
Fish, in particular red, contains rich reserves of protein, amino acids and useful vitamins D and E. Eating fish twice a week will help improve brain function, vision, skin condition, tooth enamel, and hair. Only fish should not be fried in a pan with oil, otherwise you will get nothing but cholesterol. Fish should be baked in the oven, or boiled and cooked in a slow cooker.
Nuts contain a huge amount of protein, which are easily absorbed by our body. On the advice of nutritionists, it is nuts that will help a person maintain youth and health. The most useful nut is walnut. Such a nut can be eaten no more than 4-5 pieces a day because it quickly sets blood pressure. Therefore, if you are hypotensive, you should be wary of this type of nut.
Not only do mushrooms contain as much protein as meat, but during cooking they practically get the same taste with it. Mushrooms are a great alternative to meat and are suitable for vegetarian cuisine.
Most protein is found in chanterelles and champignons. Mushrooms are a low-calorie product, so women who are on a diet can easily eat them. Mushrooms can be fried, boiled or pickled. They will retain their nutritional properties during any treatment.
Cereals are very rich in protein, as well as healthy proteins. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, corn porridge is considered the first dish in daily use. And most of all they make buckwheat. It contains protein more than other cereals and it is useful to eat for children and pregnant women.