Miller's Dream Book
- If in a dream you just saw a former guy walking by, then this is a change in life. But there are already 50 to 50 to which, good or bad.
- A kiss with an ex-boyfriend often portends a surprise, but an intimate relationship - to conflicts.
- When in a dream you put up with a guy and stay together, then perhaps this will actually happen.
Dream Wanga
- According to the dream book, if you dreamed of a former guy - this is longing for him. So your feelings have not subsided, and you would like to start all over again. On the other hand, such a dream can also be judged differently.
- If you have experienced many conflicts with your ex-boyfriend and have experienced pain, then the dream shows you that it is time to let go of bad feelings. After all, perhaps it is they who do not give you rest to start a new life.
Freud's Dream Book
- If at the moment you are in a relationship and you had a dream about a former guy, then your dream may mean the end of the current relationship. Freud explains this by the fact that you are not particularly happy with the new chosen one and in the subconscious in a dream, compare the former with the current one.
Dream Interpretation
- In a dream, a former guy offers you a marriage - to serious problems and troubles at work.
- But if with you he offers the other girl a hand and a heart, then the trouble will bypass you and new interesting people will appear in your environment.
- To dream about how your ex-boyfriend is dying - to sharp and good changes in life. Because death means the end of your feelings for a former guy, for which you will be rewarded.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
- You can’t visit fortune-tellers and participate in gambling if you had a dream about an ex-boyfriend. Indeed, according to Nostradamus, a dream leads to bad luck.
- If you dreamed of a former guy who asks for your hand, and you refused - then your business will go uphill. If you agree, then they will decline.
Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation
- Seeing a former guy in a dream from the Wanderer’s dream book suggests that you are finally free. You definitely got rid of the old relationship and are ready for something new. If you are in a relationship at that time, then your union will strengthen even more.
- But if in a dream a former guy smiles at you or laughs, then you should visit a doctor. Such a dream is an alarming bell to hidden diseases that you or your new young man may have.