Features for color matching
Women over 50 are accustomed to standard, common colors, often leaving their natural hair color, not wanting to repaint anymore. But this is fundamentally wrong. After all, such an age is not a sentence at all, but only the beginning of a new, more mature life. And to look beautiful, but not boring, you need to thoroughly approach the selection of future hair color.
Most importantly, you should pay attention to various fashionable hair coloring techniques: highlighting, coloring, shatush, airtach and others. In terms of coloring, this method is not suitable for everyone, because it involves dyeing hair in colored strands, but highlighting will help to update the native hair color without changing it completely.
Fashionable dark shades
This block contains a selection of dark shades that are perfect for women over 50. Stylists advise women at this age to avoid black hair, because it is this color that shades the skin, making wrinkles even more noticeable. But if you can boast of smooth, toned skin, then the black color will suit you.
An elegant and fashionable choice will be the dark shades of caramel and copper. They are able to emphasize facial features, well highlighting the lower part. Therefore, always pay attention to the condition of your lips, and also choose a beautiful lipstick.
Saturated chestnut and dark brown shade - suitable for women with any skin color. Such shades are noble, they seem to emphasize your age, and not highlight it.
Fashionable light shades.
An excellent choice to make highlighting on brown hair, in the end, to get a beautiful mixture of native hair color and artificial. It is such a tandem that perfectly suits women aged, which allows you to create an elegant, well-groomed and fashionable image.
In terms of plain coloring, you can choose pearl blond, platinum, caramel, beige, but not wheat. Wheat is a shade more yellow, it can disadvantageously tint the face skin and all defects, and wrinkles will immediately become visible.
Fashion gray hair
All the time, women hid their gray hair, painting it with any color of paint. But not now! Now a noble gray hair can be created using fashionable dyeing techniques, as well as ash blond.
Fashionable gray hair trendy color that is perfect for any length of hair.
Custom colors
But if you really want to, you can! It's about custom color. Indeed, for 50 years there have also been women rebels who want something original and non-standard on their heads. In particular, it can be any shades, but the most popular are red and purple. Red is bright, shocking and juicy.
Violet noble, deep and warm shade. Violet can shade too much white skin, so it can be chosen for women with olive and dark skin.