European manicure - the safety of your hands (30 photos)

What is a European manicure

In the European form of manicure, the cuticle is not cut with special nippers. It is pushed back with a special stick using a special composition. Thus, European manicure is considered safer than the classic look.

Features of European manicure

A French woman named Marlene invented European manicure back in 1920. Of course, over time, European manicure has undergone some changes, but it is still one of the safest types of manicure.

But the whole point is that in the European form a cutting tool that can injure the skin is not used.

Who needs a European manicure

  • If you have sensitive skin and blood vessels are very close to its surface.
  • Delicate, soft skin.
  • If you are afraid of accidental cuts, then a European manicure is exactly what you need.

Who should not do European manicure

  • According to some recommendations of the master, if your cuticle is too thick, then you only need a classic cropped or hardware kind of manicure.

How do European manicures

  • At the very beginning, the master begins by removing the old coating from the nails, if any. If not, the master degreases the nail plate in order to remove dust and dirt from it. After that, the master proceeds to shape the nail with a laser file.

  • A special composition is applied to the cuticle, which softens it, making it more loose. The most interesting thing is that this composition usually contains very useful elements for the nail itself. These can be plant extracts, vitamins and natural acids.

  • After a while, the master removes the composition and with the help of an orange stick pushes the cuticle away and clears it. After your hands wash and sand the nail plate.

  • Then they polish the nail plate and apply special nutritious oil to it. Such oil is well absorbed into the nail itself, affecting its health, and also preventing the appearance of burrs.

Types of European Manicure

There are two types of European manicure: dry and wet.

In the dry Your nails are treated in the form described above, but in the second they do manicure using a bath with oil solutions.

Wet way recommended for women with weakened and brittle nails. Indeed, thanks to the oil with nutrients, the nail plate is strengthened, and also becomes stronger and healthier.

Pros of European manicure

  • Safety against injuries and cuts.
  • Safety in the absence of infection through a poorly crafted tool.
  • Helps slow down cuticle growth.
  • The speed of the procedure.
  • Improvement of the nail plate during the procedure.

Cons of European manicure

  • Not suitable for women with rough and thick cuticles.
  • European manicure can not cope with calluses on the pads and rollers of the fingers.
  • The high cost of the procedure.

Before and after selection

See what wonderful results European manicure gives!


