- history of the holiday
- Holiday date
- Fasting for Christmas
- Christmas work
- Christmas tradition
- Carols
- Prayer
- Guests
- Kutia
- 12 dishes
- Gifts
- What is forbidden in Christmas
- Modern Christmas celebration in Russia
- Christmas signs
- Christmas greetings
- Animations
- Postcards
- Dishes for Christmas
- Kutia
- Uzvar
- Christmas Chicken Pie
- Goose in foil
history of the holiday
The prophecy of St. Micah about the future Messiah says that it is in Bethlehem that the one who will be Lord in Israel will be born.
There is clearly the name of the city of Bethlehem, in which at that time Joseph came with his wife Maria to participate in the census. The couple themselves lived in the city of Nazareth and Mary was a long gestation.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, there was little room for comfortable accommodation and she and her husband had to spend the night in a cattle stall. It was on that night, in the midst of straw, that Mary bore the son of Jesus.
The Prophet Matthew speaks in the Bible of a bright and wonderful star that shone over the birthplace of the Savior. The first who came to bow to the baby were the shepherds, and then the magi. The Magi brought as a gift - incense, gold and myrrh. Three gifts, each of which carries its own meaning - the first was intended as the King, the second as God, and the third as a person who was anointed with peace after death.
Holiday date
Julian 1 approved the date of the Christmas holiday on December 25, and after Gregory 13 introduced the reform into the calendar, and Christmas was postponed until January 7. Many Christians have not accepted this change and continue to celebrate Christmas on December 25, which we now know as Catholic Christmas.
Fasting for Christmas
Obligatory before the holiday, Christians fast to cleanse both body and soul. A post in its rigor is similar to a post before Easter. Such a post begins from November 28 to January 6, that is, it has 40 days in itself. Many Christians associate such a fast with the fast of Moses, which fasted for forty days and forty nights, after which it received the mark of the words of God on stone tablets.
In the Christmas post it is forbidden to eat meat, cheese, cow's butter, milk. Also, fasting involves special meals on various days. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - you can take food flavored with vegetable oil. Monday and Wednesday - there is a ban on fish and wine. Food on such days should be taken without adding oil - dry eating. But on Saturday and Sunday you can eat fish. If a holiday falls on Wednesday or Friday, then you can afford wine and oil.
From January to January 6, the post becomes even stricter. It is forbidden to eat fish on Saturday and Sunday. But fasting is necessary not only with the body, but also with the soul. In such a post it is worth reciting a prayer, repenting and refraining from passions and strife, as well as from various temptations. Abstinence from a married life, forgiveness of old insults and misunderstandings is also necessary.
Christmas work
On Christmas Day, January 7, many countries give workers a day off, including Russia. This holiday is recognized in Russia at the official level.
Christmas tradition
Christmas carols take place at Christmas on January 6 in the evening, and on January 7 - Christmas. According to a long tradition, at least three people should have gathered for carols.It could be girls or boys, there are no special rules. There is always the main one in the carols, which is called the star. The second person in seniority was called the bell ringer, and the third was the mech. Each of the participants had a role. Sometimes such roles are played among young people to this day.
Star - always carries a star, symbolizing the star that shone over the birthplace of Jesus. Ringer - rang the bell to let everyone know that carols are coming. And the mecha - carried a huge bag in which the owners of the houses put different gifts. In the modern world, carols carry kuta as a present to guests, and in return receive money or sweets.
Prayer is an obligatory tradition for Christmas, when you need to pray to God and give thanks for all that you have. You can also pray for what you need, and also remember your deceased loved ones or relatives.
A long tradition, which was celebrated in Russia, is going to visit. Often after the service, many people stayed with their parents at night. Because it is with them that the circulation of guests begins. After it came the turn of old and sick people to whom the healthy brought kutya or other treats. But the third day was dedicated to orphans.
Kutia is an ancient and main tradition for Christmas. This dish consists of rice with the addition of raisins and honey. In the modern world, kutya is done in different ways, which often changes its standard set. But the main component is still rice or wheat, as well as the addition of various candied fruits or dried fruits.
12 dishes
On Christmas Eve, January 6, the last day of Christmas Lent, 12 different lenten dishes are placed on the hostess's table. In particular, it is kutia, peas, cabbage, borsch, pigeons, dumplings, mushrooms, garlic, pies, donuts, Uzvar, honey. These dishes are optional. You can come up with any others, because the most important thing is that they are lean.
This tradition appeared in Russia not so long ago, but has already been firmly entrenched in some families. On Christmas night, it is customary for all family members to give Christmas gifts, which can only be sweet in nature or have a more substantial basis.
What is forbidden in Christmas
- You can not swear, swear and nonsense with family and other close or strangers.
- You can’t slaughter livestock, as well as go hunting.
- It is strictly forbidden to clean: wash floors, sew, wash, and do other things similar in meaning.
- Do not swim or wash your hair (except hands)
- You can not comb your hair and collect hair in braids.
- Fortune-telling and divination is forbidden.
- Abstinence from married life.
Modern Christmas celebration in Russia
Currently, Christmas is celebrated at home with all family members. Many Russians observe old traditions in the form of carols and wearing kuti from January 6 to January 7. Some families give each other presents, but the most important thing is a good mood, humility in the heart and spiritual peace, which unites all people on this day.
But in the church on Christmas Eve (on the night of January 6 to 7), a festive Liturgy takes place, which is broadcast on federal channels of Russia.
Christmas signs
- If there is frost on the trees in the first three days of Christmas, then there will be a plentiful harvest.
- But if the weather at Christmas is warm, then spring will be cold.
- The starry sky on Christmas night marks the offspring of livestock, as well as a rich harvest of berries.
- Women believed that if you dress beautifully and richly on such a holiday, then the future marriage will be successful and fruitful.
- You can’t give bread, salt, matches and money on loans on Christmas Eve, otherwise all the wealth and good will pass you by.
Christmas greetings
Dishes for Christmas
- 0.5 kg wheat.
- 200 grams of poppy.
- 1 cup walnuts (peanuts)
- About 0.5 cups of honey.
- Sugar, candied fruit and raisins to taste.
Cooking process:
- Wheat should be thoroughly washed, and then sweat in a deep bowl with a pestle.When the husk moves away from the grains, you can wash the wheat and put it cooked. You need to cook the grains for 1.5 hours, and if they are hard, you can boil them for another 30 minutes.
- Poppy need to grind in a coffee grinder. After pouring it with boiling water and leave to infuse for 5 minutes. When time runs out, strain the poppy seeds and add to the cooked grain. Cut nuts, candied fruit into small pieces and mix with raisins. Add them to poppy seeds and wheat.
- After all, mix well and pour kutia with heated honey. Stir the kuta and after it cools, put in the refrigerator.
- 300 grams of dried pears.
- 300 grams of dried apples.
- 250 grams of dried prunes.
- 100 grams of raisins.
- 220 grams of honey.
- 3 liters of water.
Cooking process:
- All dried fruits should be washed well and steamed with boiling water. After you need to fill them with cold water and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Then pour water into the pan and put apples and pears in it. You need to cook them on low heat for 15 minutes.
- After add prunes and raisins to them. Cook them for 15 minutes. At the very end, add honey, wait until the uzvar boils and remove the pan from the heat.
- Close the pan tightly and leave it in a dark place for 3 hours so that the drink is brewed. Before serving the uzvar to the table, it is worth filtering.
Christmas Chicken Pie
- 250 grams of puff pastry.
- 700 grams of chicken.
- 3 pieces of chicken eggs.
- 1 piece of carrots.
- 2 pieces of onion.
- 1 clove of garlic.
- 1 bunch of dill.
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
- Spices to taste.
Cooking process:
- Puff pastry needs to be thawed, just leave it on the table in the kitchen for two hours. After peeling all vegetables, rinse well under water. Two eggs need to be boiled. Then cut the carrots and onions into thin strips and fry them in a pan until soft. Fry onions and carrots with the addition of vegetable oil.
- From the chicken, you need to make minced meat and salt it. Then add vegetables from the pan, chopped garlic, dill and spices to the eye. It can be black, ground pepper, Provencal herbs and others. You also need to add a raw egg to the minced meat. Stir it thoroughly.
- Then put the parchment on a baking sheet, in the center of which you need to put a glass. Put the minced meat around the glass, trying to give the future cake a beautiful shape. Then push the halves of the boiled eggs into the minced meat, at an equal distance from each other. Puff pastry should be cut into strips and make them a pie. With yolk, you can grease the dough itself and then send the cake to the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.
- It is worth remembering that puff pastry can form patterns or flowers. This will help to decorate your future cake, which will amaze everyone with its sophisticated look and taste.
Goose in foil
- 1 piece goose carcass.
- 6 pieces of apples.
- 1 piece of lemon.
- Spices, herbs, basil, white wine - to taste.
Cooking process:
- The goose carcass must be thoroughly washed, remove all entrails and clean from feathers. Then dry it with a towel. Rinse the apples well and without peeling, cut into small cubes. We cut the lemon in the same way, not forgetting to wash it well before use.
- Grate the goose carcass well with salt and other spices with herbs. We rub the goose only on top. And inside we put apples and lemon. After the cut, you need to sew up the place so that the filling does not fall out during cooking. Sew the hole in such a way that a small hole remains. It is in it that you pour semi-sweet white wine.
- Wrap the goose carcass in foil and put in the oven for an hour and a half at 170 degrees. When the specified time has passed, open the foil and cook the goose for another half hour. This is necessary so that the crust of the bird is well browned.
- The finished dish can be decorated with apples, other fruits, as well as herbs.