Brilliant makeup: application technique, makeup secrets

However, if a few years ago, the wonders of professional makeup were practically not available at home, now shimmers, highlighters, glitters, bronzers and other “helpers” have flooded the windows of all stores. It remains only to figure out how to properly apply such makeup and what you need at home.

What do you need?

  1. Primer. If you want your makeup to lie evenly and perfectly held you will need a makeup base - a primer. You need to select it according to skin color: apricot and peach shades are suitable for warm tones, and pearl and pink are suitable for cold tones;
  2. Luminaire It needs to be applied quite a bit with a powder brush. The luminator includes young mica, which gives the skin a healthy glow;
  3. Highlighter. With this tool, individual areas of the face are highlighted. Highlighter is applied pointwise to the area that needs to be highlighted. for example, zygomatic bones or corners of the eyes;
  4. Mother of pearl bronzer. Please note that if you want to achieve brilliant make-up, you need the mother of pearl bronzer, not matte. The name speaks for itself, the bronzer creates a tanning effect, it is used zonally to sculpt the face. With the help of a bronzer, shadows are created that help make the face slimmer, highlight or hide one or another part of the face;
  5. Shimmer. In short, it is the shimmer that gives the skin a radiance. It is applied as an independent tool on top of the blush, or it is part of the blush itself or foundation;
  6. Glitter. Mostly glitter is used to make up the eyelids, since it is a small sparkles. Ideal for evening makeup;
  7. Satin. In fact, these are friable shadows with mother of pearl. They can be applied on top of the powder to give shine to the makeup.

Important! It is worth considering that brilliant makeup is not suitable for everyone. Glossy makeup is contraindicated for ladies who are affected by age-related skin changes, as well as owners of problem and porous skin.

Application Technique

  • To start, apply the base;
  • Apply foundation, if necessary - zonally or on the whole face. Do not forget to pay attention to the hair growth zone to avoid the effect of the mask;
  • If necessary, use the corrector, it will help hide minor skin imperfections, if any;

Remember: products with dark spangles reduce the area on which you apply them, and with light, on the contrary, they highlight this zone. Consider the features of your face when applying such funds.

  • Next, use the highlighter. If you want to visually enlarge the lips, apply a drop of highlighter over the upper and under the lower lip, and thoroughly blend it;
  • Using a brush, apply radiant powder;
  • Shimmer will help you add glare to your face, do not overdo it by applying it;
  • Then proceed to the usual makeup: emphasize the eyebrows, eyes and lips;
  • At the end of the image, use transparent powder to eliminate unwanted shine.


  1. When applying shiny elements, try to bypass the T-zone, it should remain matte so as not to aggravate the face with shine.

  1. Remember that brilliant makeup is not used as daily. It is suitable for holiday and evening outings.
  2. Do not use large sparkles in your makeup if you want the makeup to look natural.
  3. Note that friable products are always applied to the powder, and creamy ones to the tonal base.

If you are just learning the art of make up, we advise you to practice at home applying various products in order to understand which part of your face is worth highlighting and which, on the contrary, is darkened and only then proceed to make-up. After several attempts, using our tips, you can create a real glossy makeup at home.


