What is hair carving
In other words, carving is a light hair chemistry. Due to the more gentle composition, with the help of which the hair is curled, the hair is not so much destroyed as with ordinary perm. Carving allows you to give the hair a basal volume, make the hair more magnificent.
Carving benefits
- The result of the curl is held on the hair for 4 to 8 weeks. Everything will depend on the structure, as well as the condition of your hair.
- Carving does not contain glycolic acid, which makes the procedure safer, and also allows it to be carried out more often than 1 time per year.
- If you get bored with curly hair, you can easily fix it by simply straightening your curls in a hairdresser. And with perm, it wouldn’t work out like that. Hair would just have to be cut.
Who needs carving
- If you have long wanted to save time in the morning, then carving is what you need. Thanks to this procedure, you can forget about daily styling.
- Is your hair weak and completely lacking in volume? Carving will fix this problem.
Who should not do carving
- Dry hair prone to loss and brittleness.
- Too thick and stiff hair. Carving is too weak on them, in which case it is better to use a perm.
- Heavily damaged hair due to constant dyeing.
- People prone to allergies
- Skin diseases of the head.
- Taking antibiotics and hormones.
- Hair coloring with henna or basma less than 14 days before the procedure.
Carving process
- At the beginning, the master determines the health of the hair. If split ends are found, they are cut off, because such a trifle can cause an unsuccessful curl.
- Then the diameter of future curls is discussed with the master and the corresponding curlers or whooping cough are selected. After that, the master forms curls with the help of them, and on top puts the composition
- The composition is left on the hair from 30 minutes to 1 hour. After the hair is washed and dried.
- In total, the carving procedure takes from 2 to 3 hours, it all depends on the thickness and length of your hair.
Types of carving
Carving is divided into various types:
Cons carving
- After the procedure, an unpleasant odor from the hair can be observed, which after four or five times washing the hair will pass.
- Not always the result is successful on highlighted hair.
- Sometimes hair may fall out after the procedure.