The effect of burnt hair on dark and brown hair (50 photos)

Features of the technique

The effect of sunburned hair is becoming more popular every year. Because such an effect looks beautiful and natural, which is so necessary for every woman.

Popular staining techniques

Shatush - here the dark color very smoothly passes from the roots of the hair to the ends, thereby making the gradient less noticeable.

Bronzing - a combination of light and dark palettes form like a natural hair color, giving them a beautiful appearance, as well as shine.

California highlighting - has a more urgent tonality and is great for dark hair.

The effect of burnt hair on dark hair

Due to various techniques, a beautiful result is created on the hair, as if the strands really burned out in the sun. The shatush technique, as well as California highlighting, is especially suitable for dark hair.

And it doesn’t matter how long your hair is. The effect of burnt hair will look great on any of them.

But you should always remember that on dark hair the effect of burnt hair will be more noticeable than on light. Therefore, it is worth turning to a salon to a good specialist who can choose the most natural tones to your color.

The effect of burnt hair on brown hair

For brown hair, go to any of the above techniques, which will give an excellent result. Light brown hair is considered the most ideal hair color for this effect. Indeed, in this version, the effect of burnt hair will look natural.

The fact is that the transition is more noticeable on dark hair, but not so pronounced on light hair. In this option, the main thing is to decide which technique is best for you. Indeed, in one, the roots of the hair are captured, and in the other, only the middle and ends are used.

For darker blond hair, masters use a dye a tone or two above the natural color of the hair, which allows you to make a beautiful result. It can be gold, beige, ash or walnut color.

Pros and cons of the procedure


  • The effect will look great on any length of hair (except for too short).
  • Great for both dark and fair hair.
  • Helps to change the image without a radical repainting of hair.
  • Corrects unsuccessful stains, and also hides a small gray hair.
  • Due to the effect, the hair looks more voluminous.


  • At home, such staining can not be done, because you can ruin the image.
  • The price of staining.
  • If you have brittle and dry hair, then after the procedure they will become even more damaged.


