How to lighten or discolor hair at home?


If you decide to just renew your blonde hair, making it a couple of tones lighter, then get the usual blonde dye and dye it with your hair.

But if you want to make them almost white, then you should use a blonding drug, which will lighten your hair immediately by 6-7 tones.

For black hair, this process must be repeated several times before the hair acquires the desired shade.

But always remember that bleaching or too sharp lightening of the hair is destructive to the hair itself. Therefore, after such a procedure, it is recommended to go through the procedure shielding hair or do keratin straightening.

Hydrogen peroxide

The most popular way to bleach our grandmothers hair is hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to this budget tool, you can even lighten black hair in several tones. And if you apply this procedure regularly with the necessary interval, then the black pigment will be completely washed out of your hair.

  • First you need to wash your hair well and dry your hair. They should not be completely dry, but slightly moist.
  • In order not to get drunk with peroxide, you should put on old clothes, and smear your forehead and skin in the neck and behind the ears with a fat cream.
  • Depending on the color of your hair, as well as on the desired result, take hydrogen peroxide 3, 9 or 12%. The more percent, the more aggressive the composition.
  • To make it more convenient to work with peroxide, fill it with a spray bottle and start spraying hair starting from the tips. The last thing you spray on the roots of your hair.

  • After wrapping your head in polyethylene, and a towel over it.
  • After half an hour, the mixture can be washed off, but if the result did not suit you, it is recommended to hold the peroxide on your hair for another half hour.
  • Then rinse the mixture and use the rinse balm.


  • Take one tablet of hydroperite, add one teaspoon of warm water, 50 ml. liquid soap and one teaspoon of ammonia.
  • When the ingredients are collected, mix the composition well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Then it is recommended to do an allergy test - anoint a little mixture on the wrist and leave for 1 hour. If the skin reddened and inflamed, then this method should not be used.
  • After applying the mixture on the hair and leave for half an hour. Just pre-wrap your head in polyethylene and a towel.
  • It is not recommended to carry out this procedure more than once a week.


  • Kefir will not give such results as the above options. But to lighten hair after unsuccessful staining for a couple of tones - no problem. Take kefir and leave it in a warm place so that it becomes acidic and thick. The thicker the kefir, the more effective the mask.
  • When the kefir is ready, apply it in a bold layer on your hair and put on a plastic cap and wrap your head in a towel. You need to leave such a mask for the night, and in the morning wash off kefir with shampoo. You can apply such a mask daily.


