How to braid African pigtails at home?

Types of African braids


There are two types of dreadlocks.. The first is braided by the traumatic process of hair. Because the volume of hair is artificially increased, and to create like that, hair often tear, twist and injure. After such afro-braids, it will be easier to cut the hair, because they cannot be restored. And in the second option, artificial dreadlocks are created using Kanekalon. This method is safer than the first.


Classic African braids are braided from their own hair without the use of kanekalon, threads and zizi braids. This method is long-term, requires some skill and less damage to the hair.


In this form, masters use weaving African braids not three, but two strands, which distinguishes this species from others. Senegalese braids are usually located along the entire length of the hair. And especially well suited for short hair. The term of operation is 2 months.

Pony tail

This name was given this name due to the fact that pigtails are woven into the hair in such a way that a third of the hair remains free and resembles a pony's tail. Ponies are made either on medium or long hair. This form is not suitable for short hair.


Hair weaving begins in the forehead and quickly turns into unbraided curls. This method allows you to use curls for any length of hair.


Zizi braids Available in the form of finished, small braids in various colors. Such braids are simply woven into the hair, imitating together the effect of classic afro-braids in a non-standard color.

How to braid African pigtails at home?

To do this, you definitely need not to wash your hair for 3-4 days. Hair must become dirty so that the hair follicle can withstand increased weight. If you decide to weave zizi-braids, then you need about 80 -150 braids. But if you want to weave kanekalon into braids, then you need several sets of multi-colored strands. By the way, how to weave various braids with kanekalon you can read by following the link.

It is recommended for those girls who weave braids for the first time to use kanekalon or zizi braids. With this method, you can braid beautiful pigtails at home, but other subspecies are best left to meet with a professional.

  • We start weaving from the back of the head. Separate one strand (its thickness will depend on your desire for the thickness of future braids) and comb the strand with a comb with thin cloves.
  • After we take a lock of kanekalon (about 1/3 of a pack) and fix it to the root. You can fix the strand using special glue.
  • Now we divide our strand with kanekalon into three parts and weave a tight, very tight pigtail.
  • If you have run out of kanekalon, then add another strand, attaching it with the same method to the hair.
  • The tip of our pigtail is fixed with an elastic band or a bead, and the tip of the kanekalon must be lowered together with the tip of the pigtail in boiling water to solder its edge.
  • After we continue our weaving from the back of the head, moving gradually to the temples.


