How to dry hair without a hair dryer (7 universal tips)

Skeletal comb

  • You will need a skeletal comb, thanks to which you can quickly dry your hair.
  • In this comb there are many holes through which air passes and is sent to locks.
  • Thus, the comb helps to quickly remove moisture from the hair.

Paper towels

  • Almost every housewife can find paper towels at home.
  • But few people know that thanks to such towels you can quickly dry your hair.
  • When you wash your hair, squeeze water out of your hair well, and then blot hair from the roots with a paper towel.

Terry towel

  • Take a terry towel and wipe it well with your wet hair.
  • Usually a terry towel is long, so first use one half until it becomes wet, and after the second. With this method, you can quickly dry your hair.
  • But if you have a small towel, then you can use two terry towels.

Waffle towel and balm

  • A waffle towel should be used on wet hair after applying the balm.
  • Hair balm allows you to give your hair softness, which allows you to make it easier to comb.
  • Take a waffle towel and after you wash the hair balm, pat your hair well with a towel.
  • After using your fingers, comb the strands and slightly loosen them.
  • This way you can dry your hair in about 10 minutes.

Sun rays

  • This method is used only in summer and takes at least 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the length of the hair.
  • Go to the balcony and stand there under the sun.
  • If you have long hair, then you can lower your head down, so the hair dries faster.
  • Remember, even if direct sunlight does not fall on your balcony, the outdoor temperature will still help you dry your curls faster.

Using styling mousse

  • Squeeze water out of the hair well, and then apply styling mousse to them.
  • After lowering your head down, and using your fingers comb your curls.
  • The styling mousse will help to dry the hair faster, and combing it with your fingers will make enough air exchange so that the hair loses moisture faster.
  • When the hair is almost dry, you can comb it with a regular comb.

Heated towel

This method can be used in winter when there is heating.

  • Put a terry or waffle towel on the battery, and squeeze out wet hair well from water.
  • After blotting your hair with another terry towel (not from the battery) to dry it a little.
  • And then wrap your head in a warm terry towel. This way you can dry your hair much faster.

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