To whom blue-black color suits
- To create a true harmony with blue-black hair, the girl must have dark or olive skin, as well as brown or green eyes.
- But for girls with white, porcelain skin - it is better to choose a blue-black hair color in a shorter version. Then the image will be much more successful.
But remember that there are always exceptions! After all, all people are purely individual, and if someone did not fit, then for you this may be an ideal option.
Short hair
Blue-black hair color, perfect for a short haircut pixies or garzon. If your hair is a little longer, then the classic square, as well as ragged bean - ideal for you. Here you are free to choose whether your hairstyle will be with or without bangs. In any version, the blue-black color will look great on such hair.
By the way, such a length is best for girls with white skin and any eye color.
Medium hair
For those girls who have white skin, but do not want to lose hair length, it is better to choose a blue-black color with a bluish overflow. This tone is colder and more saturated. It perfectly shades white skin, and also helps to make the look more expressive.
But for dark and olive skin, blue-black color with a standard blue tint is suitable. It is perfect for different hair cuts, especially on elongated rackhaircut Aurora and others.
Long hair
This color looks especially chic on long hair.. After all, only at a great length, the blue-black color opens to full, striking with the depth of a blue tint. If you want to create a similar masterpiece on long hair, then you should turn to an experienced colorist master.
Your hair may be wavy or straight. The blue-black color will look great on any option.
Amazing coloring
If standard dyeing in blue-black hair is not enough for you, then you can pay attention to the longitudinal coloring, ombre, hut, as well as highlighting. Such staining techniques will create truly true masterpieces of the combination of blue and black.
And for those girls who do not want to stand out very much, you can tint only the tips in blue, with a barely noticeable transition.
Staining tips
Most importantly, remember that for high-quality repainting from the native color to blue-black, you need to find a good master. After all, if you get to a layman, you can achieve a blurry blue tone, which can be spotted.
Also, if you are a natural blonde by nature, then you should consult with the master about repainting. After all, not always such a color can come up to such a bright type.
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