All about the holiday: September 1!

The history of the holiday

Officially, the holiday of September 1 was recognized only in 1984 and since then it has been invariably celebrated in all countries of the former USSR. And just then, on September 1, the name appears - Knowledge Day. Until 1984, a similar line existed, but all students after it went to classes that no one had canceled. But when the holiday was officially recognized, on such a day it was decided to cancel the lessons, and to make more joyful as well as entertaining events.

So in many schools they began to introduce open lessons, which raised various questions about the upcoming school year. Not infrequently, such lessons were attended not only by students, but also by their parents. On such a day, some teachers organized a tea party with a cake or sweets, and especially organizational teachers arranged trips to the countryside.

Teachers often organize excursions around the school for first-graders, where children are told where which one is, an office, toilet, dining room, and also a dressing room. The teacher can also tell children about the rules of behavior at school, as well as explain the importance of new knowledge that will be useful to each student in the future.

Holiday traditions

The most important tradition that has been preserved even before the official recognition of the holiday is the solemn line. On such a line, the Ministry of Education makes adjustments from year to year, adding something new and interesting. But something nevertheless remains unchanged. In particular, this is a greeting to first graders.

Greeting to first graders happens this way. Children line up in pairs and go after the teacher, who goes at the head of the row. Thus, children pass through the inner circle, past other students, to beautiful and solemn music.

For first-graders, this is a very responsible and exciting day, because children are entering a new stage in their already more adult life.

Flowers remain the second unchanging tradition. Any students no matter first graders or eleventh graders, give flowers to teachers, head teachers or the principal.

On such a day, it is customary to give any flowers, not just roses. It can be dahlias, orchids, tulips, daisies, chrysanthemums, carnations and many, many others.

Flowers can be single or in bouquets. It is also not uncommon to give chocolate or sweets to teachers along with flowers.

Congratulations on September 1

Here you can find beautiful congratulations from September 1 with the help of which you can congratulate your loved ones if they have a first grader in their family. Either familiar teachers or just students. After all, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, which unites everyone together: teachers and students.


