Everyday hairstyles: light but beautiful options (14 photo ideas)

Hairstyles with tails

Elegant ponytail hairstyle

  • To make such a hairstyle you need to straighten your hair with an iron.
  • After applying a little wax to the hair and using a comb to collect hair in a high tail.
  • The tail itself can be secured with an elastic band and covered with a long, thin lock.

Hairstyle romantic ponytail

  • First you need to wind the ends of the hair using a curling iron or ironing.
  • After in the area of ​​the parietal zone, separate the strand and make a comb on it.
  • Then collect the hair in a ponytail and put a comb with a pile on it.
  • Spray your hairstyle with varnish.

Ponytail hairstyle

  • Hair needs to be combed, and then collect them in a low ponytail.
  • When you tie the tail with an elastic band, do not tighten it tightly.
  • After that, grab your tail and thread through the elastic that holds your tail and main hair.
  • The tail itself can be wound with a curling iron, or you can leave it as it is.

Ponytail hairstyle

  • All hair needs to be combed well, and then collected in a high ponytail on the back of the head.
  • You can fix the tail with an elastic band with a bright decor.
  • After that, the tail itself needs to be divided into three parts and weave an ordinary braid. We fix the tail of our braid.
  • We extend the braid links to give it volume.

Double ponytail hairstyle

  • This hairstyle is especially good for those girls who have thin, sparse hair.
  • Comb your hair and divide it into two parts. But not vertically, but horizontally. That is, one upper part from which you form a tail and fasten it with an elastic band on the back of the head.
  • And the second part of the hair (lower) is also formed into the tail and fastened with an elastic band.
  • Then lower the upper tail to the lower and the double tail is ready.
  • For volume, both tails can be wound with a curling iron.

Hairstyles with braids

Hairstyles with the addition of braids always look beautiful and fresh.

A bunch with a pigtail

  • This hairstyle is perfect for different hair lengths. First, you need to comb the hair, and then tie it in a high ponytail, you just need to leave a long span on one side in the parietal zone.
  • The tail itself needs to be fixed with a small rubber band so that it is not visible.
  • After we take a long strand and weave a braid out of it, with a grab of hair from our tail.
  • We braid the braid by wrapping it around our bundle, and fix the tip of the pigtail with invisibility.


  • In order for the braid to be airy, you need to comb the hair a little at the roots.
  • After combing them and smooth them by hand.
  • Then start weaving an ordinary braid in the parietal zone and after two bindings, you need to pick up strands from below, as well as free curls from one side or the other, alternating.
  • When you finish the braid to the end, you can fix it with an elastic band or a shiny hairpin.

French braid hairstyle vice versa

  • This hairstyle is very easy to do yourself.
  • The hair should be divided into two parts, and begin to weave right under the chin the usual French braid, trying to take larger strands.
  • When the braid is ready, then take all the hair and throw it over your head, as indicated in the picture.

Scythe with ribbon

  • Take any color of a long, thin ribbon and secure it with the help of invisibility between the strands, as close as possible to the roots of the hair.
  • After, start weaving the side braid, throwing the tape along with the central strand.
  • Make sure that the tape does not twist during weaving.
  • To make the braid look more voluminous, its links can be slightly pulled.

Light hairstyles

Light hairstyles are created very quickly and simply, but the result is a beautiful result.

Hairstyle shell

  • Separate the hair in the temple area and fix it with invisibility.
  • The remaining hair must be collected in a high ponytail and at her beginning to make a loop.
  • The tail tip must be hidden in it and the hairdo be fixed with an invisible one.
  • The result was a very restrained and concise hairstyle.
  • And in order to dilute the image, you can decorate your hair with hairpins with decor, or wear a shiny bezel.

Great Gatsby Hairstyle

  • For such a hairstyle, you will need a special hair band or ribbon.
  • Hair needs to be combed on one side, by the way they can be twisted a little so that the hairstyle looks more voluminous.
  • Now we begin to thread the hair into our rim, as indicated in the photo.

Hairstyle is ready!

Delicate baby hairstyle

  • The hair needs to be combed, and after you separate the wide lock in the temple area.
  • They need to be fixed on the back of the head with an elastic band. The gum itself needs to be hidden with a curl of hair, which you need to wrap the gum, as in the photo.
  • For beauty, you can braid a pair of thin braids on one or both sides.

Hairstyle Heart

  • This hairstyle is best done on long hair.
  • In the beginning, you need to separate the wide strands in the area of ​​the temples and fix them on the back of the head with an elastic band.
  • Then under one of the strands we take a new strand and put it over the tail, for the second strand.
  • We are doing the same thing, and on the other hand.
  • We fasten the ends of our tails with an elastic band and spray the fixing varnish onto the heart.

Bagel Hairstyle

  • Hair should be divided into two equal parts.
  • In the forehead, on each side of the face, you need to separate a thick long strand and twist them according to the type of tourniquet. Do not twist the lock too tight.
  • The very ends of the twisted strand, you need to collapse in two bagels and fix everything with invisibility.

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