Shades of red hair (50 photos)

Color features

The most important thing to know when choosing this color is attention. After all, such a color is not always favorably perceived by society, and especially by employers. If you have a strict dress code at work, it is best to find out first whether it is possible to have a similar shade.

Red hair cannot be chosen for those women who have inflamed skin. Because red color is able to emphasize all redness.

Red color

Red color, which has only a red tint, refers to pure color. This look has a deep red, as if a brick color. It is perfect for girls with dark, olive and even white skin.

Its versatility to suit any hair length is amazing. After all, he is able to successfully fit into a haircut pixies on short hair, on ladder for medium and multilayer cascade for long hair.

This shade is impulsive and bright, so it is often chosen by courageous and domineering women.

Fire red

The fiery red shade of the hair is red, which has a cartoonish brightness. This shade of hair can be seen on the heroine of the cartoon Ariel

Any skin tone, as well as eye color, is suitable for this shade. But the combination of fiery red and blue and gray eyes will be especially beautiful.


Red-red shade has a characteristic shade of red-red tint of hair. This color can sometimes be confused with a copper tint, but copper is darker.

The original solution will be to use the ombre staining technique to create a beautiful transition of the red-red tint to a lighter shade.

Red pink

The red-pink hue has juicy notes of pink mixed with red tint. This shade can be very light, almost light pink, with a slight visible redness. And others are darker, with a dark pink tint.

Dark red

The dark red hue is calm and not as impulsive as the others. It perfectly suits any hair length, striking with its deep, saturated color.

Fashionable stains in red shades

Recently, fashionable dyes for different hair lengths are techniques such as highlighting, hut, as well as ombre. Below you can find beautiful examples of these stains, which you may decide to make yourself.

Balayazh, ombre and highlighting

Highlighting on red hair, involves the addition of black strands that look great together complementing each other.

In another embodiment, the original ombre, with a smooth transition of red to darker and vice versa, creates an amazing color play.

Balayazh performed differently from ombre. Red color as if combined with another color forming a less noticeable transition from one color to another.


