Choosing the right iron
In order for the iron to not burn your hair, you should always pay attention to the quality of the plates of the iron itself. The heating plates must be made of ceramic, titanium, tourmaline or teflon. In no case is it advisable to choose irons coated with metal. This kind of spoils the hair, strongly burning and injuring it.
Tourmaline coating
Titanium coating
Ceramic coating
Teflon coating
The most comfortable irons with floating mounts. It is also important that the iron has a temperature controller. For girls who have thick, heavy hair, an iron should be selected with a maximum temperature of 230 degrees. And for thinner hair, 180 is also suitable.
By the way, if you chose an iron for hair straightening, then you can wind beautiful curls or curls in exactly the same way as with a special iron.
First of all, you need to wash your hair. Dry them well and apply conditioner to them. Then the hair must be treated with a special heat-protective agent that will not allow your hair to overheat.
Classic curls
- To achieve beautiful curls, you need to divide the hair into strands and on each of them, before applying the iron, apply a styling tool. This is necessary so that the curl forms faster and lasts longer.
- Select one strand starting from the face and pinch the strand with an iron, slightly departing from the root. Then place the iron end from the face and wind the lock. Wait 10 seconds and pass the lock through the iron, trying to turn it a little to the right side (if you started working on the right side, and if on the left, then on the left side)
- Do this with each strand, and then sprinkle the hair with varnish so that the curls last longer. To give curls a lush volume, you can comb them a little with a massage brush.
Vertical curls
- Take one lock and hold it with an iron just below the root. The iron itself should be located vertically, which will allow you to wind up vertical curls in the end.
- After, turn the iron 180 degrees, conducting it along the entire length of the strand.
- If you take a thick strand, then the curls will be large, if thin - then small.
- Then twist each strand in this way and fix the hairdo with varnish.
Beach waves
- To get a similar effect of the waves, you need to twist each lock into a tourniquet, which should not be very tight.
- After you pass the strand through the iron, starting from the root (backing away a little from it) gently, first holding the device vertically, and near the end almost leveling it.
Small curls
- Separate the thin strand starting from the face and wind it on a pencil. Then, with the help of an iron, squeeze a pencil with a wound strand between the plates and wait for 5 seconds. After, dissolve the curl.
- Repeat for all other hair, and then fix the hairdo with varnish.