What is hair shielding?
The procedure for shielding hair is also called shaving.. This procedure is aimed at improving hair, during which the hair is saturated with nutrients. In which some work on the saturation of keratin scales, and others on the saturation of the hair rods themselves with oils, vitamins, proteins and acids. All this ultimately forms reliable protection - the screen. From what came the name shielding.
Thanks to this, the hair structure is restored. They become more silky, voluminous and shiny. Also, the hair ceases to get tangled and electrified.
Execution process
- The procedure in the cabin begins with a head wash.
- Then, a special mask is applied to wet hair, which is left on the hair for 10 minutes.
- After time, the mask is washed off and a nourishing shielding agent is applied. Then the head is wrapped in polyethylene and left for 20 minutes.
- Then the product is washed off, the hair is dried with a hairdryer. After applied polishing or lamination. It all depends on the degree of damage to your hair.
Who needs a procedure
- Dry, split ends of hair due to a frequently used hair dryer, curling iron or ironing.
- Permanent hair coloring using an aggressive oxidizing agent or after perming.
- Brittle, thin hair prone to loss.
Who should not do the procedure
Girls with oily hair should refrain from this type of procedure. Since shielding saturates the hair with nutrients, which can lead to even greater secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Too short hair. On short hair, the effect will be almost negligible. With such a length, simple polishing is recommended.
Shielding Varieties
There are two types of shielding that are performed using the same technique.
Color shielding
At the same time as hair restoration, their coloring in the desired color occurs. But the masters assure that such colors after the first procedure will be too faded. Therefore, it will take about five procedures to achieve the desired result.
But this method of dyeing hair is much safer than regular dyeing. After all, paint dyes hair from the outside, without getting inside.
Colorless shielding
Colorless shielding has no color. It is used only for hair restoration, and not for their coloring.
How many procedures are needed
- For color shielding - at least five, so that the color of the paint is noticeable on the hair.
- For colorless shielding - at least three, until the hair is completely saturated.
Any of the two types of shielding is carried out at intervals of one month.
But also remember, in order to achieve a more stable and effective result, many masters advise doing lamination after the procedure. Because the latter will not allow beneficial properties to come out of your hair even after months.