Hair polishing is a miracle procedure

What is hair polishing?

The procedure is carried out thanks to an electric machine with a special nozzle, with which the master processes the entire length of the hair. Such a nozzle cuts off all the cut ends of the hair, not only at the ends, but from the entire surface. Thus giving the hair more smoothness, shine and makes the hair healthier.

Polishing is able to save you from split ends without losing the main long. Which is good news for girls with an impressive length of hair.

Often polishing is compared to hot scissorsbut polishing is much safer. And also it performs much faster than thermal cutting.

How is the procedure

The master puts on a special nozzle and starts processing strands. The master works with a comb-comb, combing each strand one by one, and then running it through the machine, from beginning to end.

To make the effect better, the master pulls the hair a little. This is necessary so that the machine quickly and efficiently cut off the cut ends. Depending on the length of the hair, the procedure is carried out from half an hour to one and a half.

What kind of hair needs polishing

  • Brittle and dry hair.
  • Permanent hair to be restored.
  • After numerous staining.
  • If you often use a hairdryer, irons, and also curling irons.
  • If your hair is too tangled and electrified.

All these “symptoms” suggest that you just need this procedure to restore your hair and restore its lively shine.

To whom polishing is contraindicated

  • For girls who have too thin and sparse hair - polishing is prohibited. Because the machine with the help of a nozzle will remove the layer from the hair, making them even more thinned.
  • If your hair is prone to hair loss. And also you are the owner of curly hair.

How long does the polishing effect last?

When polishing is carried out qualitatively, the hair will have a smooth and beautiful shine, without cut ends for 5 months after the procedure. But if your hair looked too neglected, then polishing will need to be carried out several times with an interval of several months to achieve the desired effect.

Before and after selection

Thanks to the polishing procedure, you can achieve a beautiful look of hair. But not just a beautiful view, as well as their recovery. After all, the removed upper, cut layer facilitates the hair itself, and it no longer exerts so much pressure on the hair follicle. Thus, hair grows much faster.

Therefore, do not be afraid to perform such a procedure, because it can save your hair by breathing new life into them.


