Why dream of cutting hair in a dream? (interpretation according to different dream books)

Miller's Dream Book

Cut other people

  • If you dreamed that you were cutting a stranger, then this indicates your unwillingness to share anything. It can also indicate your too cold emotional attitude towards people close to you. Cutting your girlfriend in a dream means that you shouldn’t listen to her advice a lot.

Cut yourself

  • But if you cut your hair to yourself, then it threatens with deception at work or from strangers. Therefore, be extremely careful that day. But if you broke the scissors in a dream during a haircut, then you will solve all your problems.

Universal dream book

Cut other people

  • According to the universal dream book, cutting hair in a dream for loved ones is a commemoration of minor troubles that I can comprehend in the near future. In a dream, to cut an unknown woman or man, to a conflict from friends or colleagues. On the day after such a dream, it is usually advised to clearly plan and calculate your time, otherwise you can be late somewhere and cause a lot of controversy.

Cut yourself

  • A short haircut in a dream promises to itself monetary losses.

Dream Wanga

Cut other people

  • According to Vanga's dream book, cutting someone's hair is a great success and joy. If you had such a dream, then you can safely begin to take the first steps in any business.
  • If you dreamed that you are an experienced hairdresser and someone is doing a beautiful, model haircut, then this is the solution to your long-term problems.

Cut animals

  • When in a dream it is dreaming that you are cutting animals - to calm and pacify the soul.

Cut yourself

  • But if you cut your hair to its roots, then it’s time for you to relax and not make any important decisions in the near future.

Modern dream book

Cut yourself

  • According to the modern dream book, cutting hair in a dream alone means finally resolving important issues related to a career. If you cut your hair to almost half, making a caret - then it's time to put all things aside and leave the country for a couple of days, relax.

Cut other people

  • A haircut of a stranger in a dream will bring metamorphosis into your life. And here are some, this you will see a little later. A haircut of a stranger - can lead to conflicts with your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Cut yourself

  • Cutting or cutting a braid in a dream means a long road that promises you happiness and cash income in the future.

If someone cuts you

  • If in a dream someone cuts your hair, then this is good news.



