Elongated bob with bangs: varieties of bangs, as well as haircut features (52 photos)

Who needs an elongated bob with a bang?

A haircut with extension is perfect for all face types. The master in the salon always evaluates individual facial features and makes a haircut according to what he saw. Because the square is not always the same, but there are many modifications.

Elongated bob with bangs capable oval face, make it a little elongated, but square shape will help smooth out sharp corners.

After all, the most important thing in such a haircut is the bangs. With the help of it, the masters give the haircut the desired image. What are the types of bangs:

  • Straight, classic bangs;
  • Torn bangs;
  • Oblique bangs;
  • Short bangs;
  • Torn bangs with lengthening.

Straight, classic bangs

To make the image more harmonious, girls with an oval face type are recommended to choose this type of bang. Because it will close too high and massive forehead and thereby smooth the image.

Due to which visually the nose and the total length of the face become smaller, which is so necessary for the elongated oval. And by the way, the length of the hair with such a bang is absolutely not important. Your square with extension can be up to shoulders or slightly lower, or choose an option with elongated front strands.

Slanting bangs

Oblique bangs are the perfect choice for chubby girls. Also, girls with rectangular type of person. Indeed, thanks to such a bang, the excess puffiness of the cheeks is hidden, and the sharp corners in the rectangle are also smoothed.

Oblique bangs are able to visually stretch the shape of the face, as well as correct defects. Cheekbones too wide, long nose, sharp chin and others.

Often the oblique bangs can have a slightly elongated appearance, which is not bad. In particular, she is chosen for a longer option. square.

Torn bangs

Most of all, this look is suitable for young girls, to whom torn bangs give a certain playfulness and enthusiasm in the image. Girls with triangular type of person should pay attention to the middle version, torn bangs. And here a rectangle it would be better to make an asymmetrical, ragged look of bangs.

Such a bang can be worn, as on the whole forehead, and by making it to one side. Everything will depend on the features of your face.

Short bangs

The meek appearance of a bang does not suit all girls. If you have the right facial features, then you can do this kind of bangs, but if not, then it is better to abstain.

After all, such a bang is able to give the face a great roundness than it really is. Therefore girls with round type of person, it is worth avoiding such a bang.



