Hairstyles for school: for every day, beautiful, light and other interesting options (22 ideas)

Features hairstyles for school

This article contains a selection of various hairstyle options, which you may need the following:

  • Elastics of different sizes and colors;
  • Bagels for attaching bundles;
  • Ordinary hairpins and hairpins with floral heads;
  • Invisibility
  • Bows and hoops.

Beautiful hairstyles

Beautiful hairstyles has a slightly more complicated technique than simpler options. But if you fill your hand, then such hairstyles will be completed in a minimum time.

Fantastic bunch

To begin with, it is worth separating a strand in the form of a rectangle in the parietal zone. Then divide it into three equal parts. All parts must be as even as possible to get a beautiful hairstyle. After we begin to weave the braid with pickup, alternately weaving strands on the left, then on the pavo side. Use beautiful, vibrant elastic bands for such a hairstyle. We fix each segment with an elastic band, as in the photo. When the braid is ready, use a soft rubber band to make a bagel and braid the braid around it. We fix the braid with invisibility.

A beautiful and unusual bunch is ready.

Spikelet without weaving

To begin with, we tie small tails along the entire length of the hair, they should turn out about five pieces, depending on the length of the hair. We form each tail into a bundle and fix them to the elastic bands that attach our tails. For beauty, you can decorate your hair with hairpins with flowers or other decorations.

Double hairstyle

In such a hairstyle, two hairstyles are immediately intertwined. One of them is a braid, the other is an ordinary tail. To begin with, it is worth combing the hair well and dividing them across into two equal parts. Then divide the second lower part into two and braid one of them with an ordinary spikelet, only in the backward direction. But the second part of the hair should be braided with a spikelet only in the direction from the neck to the crown. Fix the place where the two braids merge, and then add the smoothly combed third part to them.

Hairstyles for teens to herself

Parents are not always nearby to help do this or that hairstyle. But there are very interesting and simple instructions that can easily be taught to make beautiful hairstyles for yourself.

Stylish flagellum

To properly make such a hairstyle, it is worth combing the hair well, and then throw them all on one side. After collecting them in the tail, but do not attach an elastic band.Divide it into two tails and each separately twisted into a tight tourniquet. Then twist the harnesses together and secure the tip with an elastic band.

Double ponytail

First, you need to separate the upper part of the hair from the bottom and fix it with a crab. And then collect the lower hair in a ponytail and fix it with an elastic band. Comb the ponytail well and move on to the upper hair. Gather them in a tail, comb and voila! The magnificent, double tail is ready!

Donut Hairstyle

Beautiful and fast hairstyle that fits any hair. Hair should be tied in a high ponytail to secure it with a small rubber band. Then take a magnificent, voluminous elastic band and wrap the remaining ponytail into it.

Hairstyles for long hair

Long hair is the wealth and luxury of any girl, but what kind of hairstyle to school for such a length can be found below.

Pigtail crown

To begin with, the hair should be combed, and then on the left side, start weaving a braid with a pickup of three links. Such a braid should start weaving from the central part of the head and gradually turning the braid obliquely, as indicated in the photo.

Without braiding the braid to the second ear about 2 cm. Fix it with the help of invisibility. After, start weaving the second braid according to the principle of the first, just fixing it at the end.


Hair should be divided into two parts in the center. Then separate the temporal span on the right side and start weaving a regular pigtail. When you finish the braid to the middle of the ear, then start weaving the French braid. To do this, you need to put the upper strand, put it on the middle, and lower, put it in the middle. The remaining strand is a trickle of a waterfall. Then the upper locks are woven into the braid, as well as the free lower locks. Thus, weave the braid to the end, and then fix it with invisibility.


To make such a hairstyle you need to take long, thick locks on both sides of the head. Then fasten them together on the back of the head, and then pull our entire tail through it several times. And on the third, leave part of the hair, as indicated in the photo. We should get a small bunch, which should be parted apart, like a bow and secured with invisibility. And with the tail of our tail, we wrap the middle of the bow and the hairstyle is ready.

Hairstyles for medium hair

Hairstyles for medium hair are beautiful and quick options that are easy to execute, but in the end look just magical.

Hairstyle cascade

All hair should be thrown to one side and combed well. Then you need two strands: one we take from the side of the parietal zone, the other in the crown area. After they are put together in the tail. Then the tail must be turned inside out and collected on both sides by strands. Connect the hair from the upper tier with our tail and secure it with an elastic band. Unscrew the tail again and repeat the same manipulation.

Hairstyle basket

First you need to take part of the hair from the parietal region and tie it in a ponytail. Then, on the right side, start weaving an ordinary braid of three links with pickup, and reaching the middle of the head, fix it with a hairpin. On the other side of the head, make the same braid and fasten them together, as indicated in the figure. After we pull the strands a little in the region of the crown, and the braid links themselves, we stretch them a little to the sides to get a larger volume. After the tails of the braids we fix one under the other with the help of invisibility.

Hairstyle romantic coil

At the beginning, make a vertical parting, and then separate the lock in the forehead. Screw it a little and secure the flagellum with a hairpin. Additionally, you can add a beautiful hairpin to the coil, and the rest of the hair needs to be combed.

Easy and fast hairstyles

Very simple and easy hairstyles that you can do to your daughter in 5 minutes, which will help to save time.


A fairly popular type of hairstyle is a ponytail. Comb hair well, and then collect the whole mass of hair in a high tail, just leave one long strand.When the tail is ready, fix it with an elastic band and wrap the base of the tail with a long strand to hide the elastic.

By the way, the ponytail can be made more strict by collecting all the hair without a single cock. Or, on the contrary, you can intentionally tear a little hairstyle, giving it a pretty look.

Beautiful bunch

The hair is collected in a high tail, and then with the help of an elastic band are fixed at the base. After free hair, divide into two parts and each twist into a braid. After intertwine the flagella with each other, which in the end will form the appearance of a braid. Then form a bundle from the braid, laying it in rings and fixing it with invisibility.

Jasmine Hairstyle

In the temple area, collect small tail, the tip of which is threaded into its middle, as in the photo. Then fasten the hair with an elastic band at an equal distance from each other, so that you get two bunches on one tail. We make the same ponytail on the other side of the hair and fix them together with an elastic band.

Hairstyles for every day

Convenient and simple hairstyles for every day, delight with its simple execution technique, which give a beautiful and original result.

Elastic Hairstyle

The hair needs to be combed, then in the parietal region, select part of the hair and fix it with an elastic band. After lifting our fixed strand and beneath it, collect a second layer of hair and secure it with an elastic band connecting it to the upper tail. So we continue to do along the entire length of the hair.

Mickey Mouse Ears

The hair should be divided along the vertical parting, and then using a soft bagel elastic, twist the tails in two bundles, like Mickey Mouse ears. For this, you need to wind the hair on the gum itself, and fix it at the base of the hair.

Classic shell

Hair must be combed with a scallop with sharp teeth. Then the hair must be collected on the back of the head in the form of a tail, as indicated in the photo. After you fix part of the hair on one side with the help of invisibility, and then slightly twist the tip of the tail onto the fingers. In the resulting flagellum, make a loop and put the tip of your tail into it. Fasten part of the hair, as indicated in the photo using hairpins.

Hairstyles with braids

Beautiful and simple hairstyles with braids that are perfect for special occasions.

Braid bezel

To begin with, hair should be divided into two parts so that they have the same amount of hair. Then from one half weave an ordinary spikelet, making the strands softer, practically without pulling them together. We do the same with the second half, only the locks are tightened here more tightly. After a tighter oblique, like a rim, we wind the head, and the second soft one is located behind it. We fix the hair with invisibility.

Fish tail

  • To make the hairstyle successful, the hair must be thoroughly combed.
  • Then in the parietal zone you need to take a triangular strand.

  • Divide it into three strands, and then begin to weave an ordinary braid. After we take a strand from the side and shift it to the middle of our two strands. Thus, it will connect to the left side.

  • We continue to weave the braid, only taking the lock from the other side, and throwing it in the middle, it connects to the right lock. After the catch is made and woven into a braid.
  • Thus weave the braid, making pickups, and fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band.

French braid

First you need to separate the strand from the parietal zone and divide it into three parts. After we begin to weave an ordinary spikelet, only alternately from each side weave new strands of hair into the braid. When the hair ends, we braid the braid in the usual way.

Inverted scythe

First you need to take a lock of hair in the parietal zone and divide it into three parts.

After we weave the pieces together in this way: we shift one under the other, and we grab the strands on the sides, and weave them into a common braid. Thus, weaving the French braid is just the opposite.

We weave the braid a little diagonally so that it goes to the side. When the braid is ready, it should be fixed with an elastic band and stretch the links of the braid a little.To make the hairstyle more accurate, carefully pull out the strands, otherwise you can spoil the braid. Thanks to such methods, our braid becomes more voluminous and openwork.


