All about the holiday: Ivan Kupala!

History of occurrence

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was originally a pagan holiday in which people washed their bodies in the hope of getting rid of diseases. It also had other names such as: Yarilin day, Solntsekrest, Spirits day.

But the ancient Slavs celebrated the holiday of Ivan Kupala as a holiday of the Sun, which is often associated with the summer solstice on June 20-22.

When Christianity was adopted, the holiday began to be considered as the greatest holiday of the Orthodox Church, as a rite of purification. The date of the holiday also changed and began to be celebrated. July 7th, because it was on this day that the prophet John the Baptist was born, we know differently like John the Baptist. It was John who predicted the imminent preceding Messiah - Jesus Christ, whom he later baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. It was at the time of Baptism that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ in the form of a dove. Also about Great Easter HolidayYou can read it here.

Traditions and rites

It was believed that on the night Ivan Kupala all evil spirits come to life, so you could not go to bed. Many residents of villages and villages hid their horses because of the belief that witches steal them and ride them through the night forest.

Weaving wreaths

The main tradition of the holiday is weaving wreaths of flowers. Young girls let such wreaths through the water and where the wreath was nailed, then their future husband was there. And if they let in a wreath and he was drowning, then the groom has stopped loving and will choose another for his wife.

Wreaths were usually woven of wildflowers, and one special wreath, the girl had to put on the head of her chosen one.

Symbols of fire and jumping over a fire

People on such a night dance, sing songs, and also burn bonfires. In ancient times, such bonfires were invested with a certain meaning. If there was a burning wheel on a pole, it symbolized the sun and fertility.

The obligatory ceremony was to jump over the fire. And who jumps higher and does not touch the fire, he will be happier this year. Also, linen was burned in bonfires so that diseases would go away. Husband and wife, as well as couples in love, jumped over the bonfire together, this was to strengthen their relationship. Cattle were also brought between the bonfires so that the smoke from the bonfires cleaned the animals, and they did not get sick during the next year, and were also more fertile. Bonfires also symbolized protection from the evil spirits that came to life that night.


Many people bathed in clean, river water in the hope of washing themselves from disease. And others sprayed the oncoming waters with water in order not only to cure the body of diseases, but also to cleanse the soul of sins. In those villages or villages where there was no river, people drowned baths and steamed there for as long as possible.

Due to the fact that the water in rivers and lakes was considered sacred on the night of Ivan Kupala, all bonfires were burned along them.By the way, it was necessary to swim in the water before dawn, and at dawn the girls collected dew and washed her face.

Kupala tree

Often, for the celebration of Ivan Kupala, a young tree was used, which was usually decorated with colorful, bright ribbons. Local girls could add fruit, grass, wreaths to the tree, and after that they carried the tree outside the dwelling and drove the fields into the ground.

Around such a tree, then they would dance and sing songs. And the tree used for such a ceremony could be maple, birch, willow, spruce, as well as an apple tree.


By tradition, many girls and guys searched for a night Ivan Kupala in the forest fern, which bloomed only that night. If such a flower was found, then it promised a person great wealth, as well as the fulfillment of all desires.

Also, after the holiday the next day, many residents brought to the pastures an illuminated willow twig. It was believed that the sacred willow would not allow the witches who took their milk from the cows. They also hung nettles in the stable, and pointed objects into the tables.

If suddenly any girl or woman on the night of Ivan Kupala does not approach the fire, it meant that she was a witch.

It was considered an interesting belief to find Ivan da Marya grass on that night and squeeze their juice and drink it. Such juice gave people health, could return a lost hearing. Indeed, such grass, according to belief, personified true love.


To see their narrowed in a dream, the girls went to bed, and under the pillows they laid a bouquet of thistle and fern. And in order to find out the name of their future husband, at midnight, the girls asked the first person they met the man’s name, and what name the person would say, such a name would be for the future husband.

The girls also made a wish and looked at the horse. If the horse hits left hoof - the wish will come true, right - the wish will come true, but a little later. But if a horse is lit, it means fortunately, and it lowers its head - then wait for trouble in love.

At sunset, a stone was thrown into the water, if there were an even number of circles from the stone, then desire would come true, if not, then it would not come true.

The girls tore off the branches of birch and hid them behind their backs. Usually there were seven such branches. Then they were alternately pulled from behind and if the branch came across beautiful, smooth, then the year would be successful. But if the twig was bumpy or crooked, then it means wait for trouble.

Any girl or woman could make a wish and pluck a dandelion. Then, blow with all his might at him and, if the fluffs fly apart, then the desire will come true this year. But if half remains, then the desire will come true, but it's worth the wait. It happened that the fluffs remain in place, which means the desire, unfortunately, will not come true at all.

Collection of herbs

On the night of Ivan Kupala, many gathered herbs, which only on that night acquired simply magical power. Many girls and boys, even adult men went on a "hunt" for magic flowers and herbs.

Ararat grass

If a man can find such a flower and cut it off for himself, then he gains power over evil spirits. Because evil spirits guard all plants that night. And only a brave and courageous man could cut such a flower.

Gap grass

According to the rupture-grass on the night, Ivan Kupala, could give the person who finds it during the fiery flowering, invisibility. And also other power over castles, barriers and covenants. But finding such grass was not easy. First, it was necessary to mow the grass in a dark and overgrown place in the wasteland, until the scythe broke, and then take the mowed hay and throw it into the river. All excess straw will sink, but the gap grass will float against the tide.

Grass poster

According to old beliefs, grass was possessed by magic power to make a person invisible, protect a person from evil spirits, and also gave power over evil spirits.

Over grass

In another way, this species is called a white water lily. To properly pick such a flower, it had to be dug out of the silt, while condemning the cherished words. The white water lily gave man a powerful amulet against evil spirits.

Congratulations to Ivan Kupala

Modern holiday Ivan Kupala

In the modern world, the holiday of Ivan Kupala is not celebrated as extensively as before, but some traditions are still observed. In particular, in the villages, residents celebrate the holiday of Ivan Kupala by lighting bonfires, as well as traditional jumping through it. Girls divine on the water and throw wreaths on the river at night, into which candles are often inserted.

And in the city there are fairs, folk and art groups perform and ritual songs are performed in honor of the holiday of Ivan Kupala. People come together and dance around the elegant Marena. Those who could not attend the holiday, fortune-telling houses on the water, on bouquets, wreaths, as well as on the mirror. And they pour water at home, trying to catch it before dawn.


