- The history of the holiday
- Start
- The official recognition of the holiday in Russia
- Modern Holiday May 1 in Russia
- May holidays in Russia in 2024
- May 1 traditions
- The most popular slogans on May 1
- May 1 celebration in Russia in 2024
- National signs on May 1
- Congratulations on May 1
- As noted on May 1 in other countries
- Finland
- Ireland
- England
- Germany
- Hawaii
- Greece
- France
- Holland
- Total
The history of the holiday
In 1886, in Chicago, a large-scale protest of workers against hard, labor labor arises. Workers demanded a reduction in working day to 8 hours, as well as an additional day off. The rally gathered quite a few, about 1,000 people to protest, but the police intervened in the course of the rally.
At that time, a 15-hour working day was considered the working norm in the country, and of course the authorities did not want to reduce or change anything. And by decision of the authorities, the police come into the case, who are allowed to use harsh as well as harsh measures to prevent this rally.
Police opened fire on protesters, whose victims were two workers from the Cyrus reaper plant. And a few days later, the protesters took revenge on the policeman by throwing a makeshift bomb at them. About 60 people were injured, in response to which fire was again opened at the protesters. The exact number of victims that day has not been determined to this day.
As a result, the police managed to disperse part of the protesters, and arrest the other part. Some prisoners who were convicted of the main incitement to a rally were sentenced to death. And only a few years after the Chicago rally, at the Congress of the International in Paris, it was allowed to celebrate May 1 as workers' day. Thus, paying tribute to the victims who fell during the rally in those unfortunate days from May 1 to 4.
Since then, in 1890, the May 1 holiday was celebrated for the first time in Austria-Hungary, Germany, Denmark and other countries, where workers still demanded a shorter working day, as well as other requirements of a social nature.
The official recognition of the holiday in Russia
The May 1 celebrations in Russia began in 1890 and were informal, unofficial. In 1897, the first demonstrations were noticed, and in 1901, slogans requiring a change of power first appeared. Every year, the participating people in the celebration of May 1 increased. So in 1912 the crowd totaled at least 400 thousand protesters, and since 1917 - millions.
After the October Revolution in 1917, the May 1 holiday is considered official. On such a day, a military parade took place in the Khodynsky field, in which 30 thousand soldiers participated. In addition to May 1, the state added a day off - May 2.
The procession of labor collectives, which carried posters requiring a change of power or facilitation of labor, was considered mandatory. Over time, the slogans changed to congratulations of the workers to each other, and this type of holiday turned into a Spring Festival.
On the first day of May, parades solemnly marched, and on the second day, every citizen could rest calmly, meeting with his loved ones.
Modern Holiday May 1 in Russia
The last parade on May 1, which was held in the USSR, is 1990. Since then, the USSR collapsed, and the holiday was celebrated not so loudly and solemnly as before.
And after May 1 it is celebrated as the Spring Festival, which is accompanied by concerts, fairs, as well as other shows and performances by creative groups.
May holidays in Russia in 2024
In 2024, Russian citizens were very lucky, because in such a month there will be only 18 working days, and the rest are weekends and holidays. Starting on a shortened working day on April 30, weekends will go from May 1 to May 5. And after it is the holiday of May 9, and a shortened working day before it is 8. Then 4 days of the weekend follow.
May 1 traditions
The most important tradition coming from the beginning of the holiday is considered parades, rallies and demonstrations. Also, each participant must carry a banner with peaceful slogans or congratulations to citizens on May Day.
The traditional slogan for May 1 is: “Peace” Labor! May!"; “Long live May 1!”, Which by the way is still used today.
Red flags and balloons are considered a traditional decoration accompanying the May 1 holiday.
Also, Soviet citizens often called their children in honor of the holiday. In honor of May 1, the girls were called Dazdraperma - which was made up of the slogan "Long live May 1!"
The most popular slogans on May 1
- - Peace! Work! May!
- — Glory to the man of labor!
- - Workers of all countries, unite!
- - We hoist the Red banner of labor over the earth!
- - Our Motherland is the USSR!
- - Give nationalization of strategic sectors of the economy!
- - Lenin’s commandments are true!
- - Long live May Day - the day of international solidarity of workers!
- - Capitalism is a war!
- - There is no capitalism - there is no crisis!
- - The liberal in the government is a mess in the economy!
- - No to new requisitions! Pay yourself for your crisis!
- - Thieving officials - on felling!
- - No to communal slavery!
- - Truth and justice - the policy of the Communists!
May 1 celebration in Russia in 2024
In particular, the exact program of events is still unknown. Closer to May 1, in about a week the exact list is laid out, but usually it goes according to this scheme:
- A procession of thousands along the streets of Russian citizens, with the participation of labor veterans, as well as banners and festive slogans.
- Speech by statesmen, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- Also, the population is waiting for a variety of fairs, needlework clubs, flower festivals, participation in various competitions and much more.
- On such a day, popular stars visit cities and give free concerts in the main squares.
- But on the main square of the country in Moscow usually takes place a parade consisting of almost one hundred thousand people. The procession also includes labor groups, sports master classes and other no less amazing and spectacular performances.
National signs on May 1
- For a favorable time to sow flax, on May 1, a cuckoo was supposed to begin to hammer in the forest.
- If you suddenly saw a cuckoo in a village or village on the day of May 1, which flies and screams, then to a fire.
- There is a belief that hair dipped in rain, which is May 1, will grow faster and denser.
- Many people in modern times pay attention to the leaves of bird cherry. If they bloomed, then it's time to plant potatoes.
Congratulations on May 1
As noted on May 1 in other countries
Finnish May 1 is associated with students. After all, their classes end on such a day, and many students have fun in the main square of the city, drinking champagne.
For residents, May 1 is the day of wishes. On such a day, the Irish braid red ribbons on a hawthorn tree, making a wide variety of wishes. All desires made on this day by a similar method must necessarily come true this year.
The British tie the pillars with bright ribbons and dance around them in traditional costumes. So the British express a peaceful attitude, as well as the coming of the summer.
The most interesting thing is that in Germany, the May 1 holiday is celebrated like "Halloween." The Germans are sure that if on this day you dress like a wicked man and wander the streets, arranging a night Sabbath, then they attract fortune. But the evil itself is somehow driven away, with the help of scary costumes.
May 1 in Hawaii - the day of weaving garlands of flowers. Many flowers are used, such as jasmine, orchids, plumeria and others. Residents weave wreaths of flowers, garlands, make necklaces. So they express admiration for the beauties of nature and welcome spring.
May 1 is celebrated on another day - the first Monday of September. On such a day, many Americans traditionally change from cars to bicycles and ride them until the evening. In the evening, gala concerts begin, as well as the opening of various fairs and circles.
In Greece, as well as in Hawaii, the locals pay great attention to flowers. Young girls collect them and weave wreaths from them, and also carry flowers to the house where they decorate the rooms.
The French on May 1 give lilies of the valley to each other. Lily of the valley personifies their spring, as well as a bright and festive mood.
In the Netherlands, on May 1, a tulip festival is traditionally held, which is a very colorful and spectacular show.