Features of a rectangular type of face
We select the haircut correctly for different types of faces.
The rectangular type has a face length twice the width, well-defined cheekbones, and a small chin.
By the way, this type of face can often be found in Hollywood beauties who skillfully select beautiful haircuts and hairstyles for him. The main task in such haircuts is to make the face softer and smooth out sharp corners.
Gavrosh haircut
Thanks to haircut gavrosh, her torn strands, a rectangular type of face visually extends. Such a haircut will give your image a fervor, rebellious mood, and also help to keep up with modern fashion.
A haircut gavrosh has an impressive volume at the crown, descending down the face to the neck, trimmed, sticking locks. All this creates the appearance of a little disheveled hair, which draws attention to itself, from excessively harsh features.
Bob and bob haircuts
Elongated, graded, and also ragged type of haircut bean and bob, able to remove the angularity of the cheekbones. This haircut will help a rectangular face optimize facial features, making the cheekbone line smoother.
Such haircuts can be worn both with a straight parting and with a parting obliquely.. It will not be a mistake to pick up a bang, making it more classic, it will hide a massive forehead, or more torn, which will also help remove excess width.
Bob haircut
Bob haircut has some similarities with bob haircuts, but differs in other performance techniques. Thanks to the even cuts of the strands in the caret cut, the line of the cheekbones still stands out, but not so massive. But the chin becomes visually smaller, making the face a bit like triangle type.
Bangs in bob haircut usually milled, but the main thing here is to choose the option that suits you best.
Haircut cascade
Preference can be given to volumetric cascade which will give the hair a beautiful look and draw attention to itself. If you choose a graduated option cascade, it will reduce the emphasis on cheekbones.
Cascade does not make straight lines, which is contraindicated for girls with a rectangular type of face. On the contrary, it gives the hair light waves, additional volume, and also makes the hair visually thicker.
Ladder haircut
Ladder able to visually make your face smaller, thanks to a multi-stage cutting of strands framing the face. In such a haircut, you may have a bangs that has a ragged look.
By the way ladder Suitable for any hair: thin, thick, weakened, and also having a predisposition to brittleness. A short flight of stairs will not take the main length from you, but only cut off the fullness of the strands themselves.