Short haircuts for curly, curly and curly hair (50 photos)

Curly hair features

Due to the fact that in the structure of curly hair, the scales have a more elevated shape, they become more tangled, which does not allow you to choose any haircut for them.

The most important thing in caring for any curls is the ban on combing them immediately after a shower. Your hair must be dry, even almost dry, after which you start combing.

For short, curly, as well as curly hair, such haircuts are suitable as:

  • Bean;
  • Bob;
  • Square;
  • Garcon;
  • Pixies.

Bob, bob, and bob haircuts

For very tight, as well as curled curls, it is best to choose a bob haircut. Thanks to the different options for this haircut, you can choose which option is best for you. In particular, it is a ragged, asymmetric, and also graduated caret.

A more modified bob, known to us under the name bob bob. This haircut is perfect for curly and curly hair. Due to the shortened strands on the back of the head, the entire bulk of the hair will become even larger.

A ragged, as well as graded and multi-layered bean is a romantic and rather stylish haircut.

Garson haircut

Garson haircut has a certain magical appeal and is perfect for short curly hair. Thanks to such a haircut, your hair will appear thicker. And her ability to open a stunning view of the neck makes her neck visually longer and sleeker.

And do not be afraid to choose a similar haircut option because of its similarity to a boy's haircut. After all, Garson is a pretty feminine haircut with which your female nature will open even more.

Pixie haircut

A pixie haircut can give you girlish fervor. Such a haircut helps to give your curls a lively look, and its style and relevance will delight us for many years to come.

Fashion haircuts

Fashionable haircuts include such types as: gavrosh, greek and haircuts with shaving. Haircuts with shaving on short, curly hair look especially creative. Usually, whiskey is shaved in such forms, but the occipital part or all at once can also be shaved.

Gavrosh haircut visually resembles a garcon, but has softer edges than she is.

And here is the Greek haircut, has a pretty romantic and sweet mood. It is perfect for short, curly, curly, as well as wavy hair.


