Classic square with bangs (52 photos)

Classic square with bangs

The thick, heavy bangs are able to open your eyes even more, but in another version there is a chance to make it heavier. If you have dark, wide eyebrows, then it is better to make a bang graduated to remove excess weight.

But a short fringe in combination with a short, classic square will add playfulness to your look. Laying a classic square with a bang is a bit more complicated than a straight square without it, but the result is pretty good.

The classic square is equally suitable for both young girls and older women.

Features of a classic square with bangs

The classic caret has clear cut lines around the face. The bangs usually in this embodiment have a thicker, direct appearance. You can also choose a more oblique and graduated bangs.

The direct classic version of the square mostly goes without a bang, which is very convenient for girls who do not want to do it.

To suit a classic bob haircut with bangs

The classic haircut is suitable for many women, but it’s worth knowing some points to make the image as successful as possible.

  • If your neck is too large, then the length of the square should be on the shoulders.
  • For girls who have too sharp facial features, as well as a sharp chin, the option with the shortest classic square without bangs is suitable.
  • To distract too much attention from the face, you should choose a caret with a length below the chin.
  • If you have a wide and massive forehead, then you can choose a classic square of any length, the main thing is to have a bang.

And also the classic square looks great on short and on medium hair.

Classic straight square without bangs

Just a universal haircut option that fits absolutely any type of face. Also, this type of haircut helps balance the image as a whole, which is important.

A straight, classic square is easier to stack than the first option described above. Such a haircut can give you severity, which will perfectly fit into the image of a business woman. Classical styling is perfect for a straight square, which will help to create an elegant look.

Shearing process

Independently make a classic square at home will not work. To do this, it is better to enroll in a good hairdresser, where a specialist will help you in this matter.

Basically, the masters begin the process of cutting by dividing hair into certain zones. In particular, these are horizontal and vertical partings, on which the master begins to make a haircut. A classic square requires neat, geometric cuts so that the haircut in the end turns out to be truly beautiful and stylish.


