All about the Holiday - Easter!

Easter story

Easter Old Testament

The beginning of the history of Easter originates during the coming to earth of the son of man - Jesus Christ. We know this holiday as Christmas, when Mary had a son, Jesus. At that time, the Jewish people were severely oppressed by the Egyptian pharaoh, and without exception, all Jews were enslaved to him. The king of Egypt ignored the numerous requests from the Jews to release them, and then ordered to kill all the newborn boys in order to reduce the number of the Jewish people.

When Herod conceived such a thing, then in a dream the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph (the father of Jesus) and told him to immediately instead of his wife Mary flee to the land of Egypt, which Joseph did immediately.

At the same time, the prophet Moses is born, who was hidden from the king and not killed.

Moses grew up and became the prophet of God, through whom the message from God was transmitted to the Jewish people. So that every family stabs the lamb and marks the door jamb with its blood, for on that night an angel came down from heaven and killed all the Egyptian first-born.

After such terrible power, the king of Egypt released the Jewish people and since then Easter has been celebrated as a day of deliverance.

Easter New Testament

The New Testament Easter is known to us as that Easter, which we celebrate to this day. Indeed, on this day, Jesus Christ, who was slain like a lamb, was resurrected for human sins. In the distant past of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, after the advent of the Secret Meeting, the guards seized and imprisoned for calling himself “the son of God.” He was accused of comparing himself to God saying: "My Father always works, therefore I must work."

When the guards seized him, Jesus Christ was awaited arrest, trial, flagellation, and after the execution itself - a crucifix. They crucified Jesus Christ on Mount Calvary, and on the third day he exclaimed: “Father! In Your hands I transmit My Spirit! It is done! ”And he lost his spirit.

Pontius Pilate allowed to take the body of Jesus Christ and his body was laid in a cave near Mount Calvary. And on the third day, Jesus Christ was resurrected, transformed from his Human Body.

From then to this day, Easter is celebrated as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who died for all the sins of the human race.

Orthodox Easter celebration date

In 2024, Easter will be celebrated on April 28th. To understand how to correctly calculate the date of the holiday, you need to make some calculations.According to Alexander's Easter, according to which Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon.

If the full moon comes before the twenty-first of March (the vernal equinox), then the next full moon is considered Easter. And if the Easter full moon falls on Sunday, then Easter is celebrated next Sunday.

Where did the custom go to paint eggs for Easter?

The traditional custom for Easter is to paint the eggs red. Because Mary Magdalene came to the Roman emperor Tiberius and brought gifts in which there were eggs. Maria Magdalene uttered the words, giving Tiyuberia a basket of gifts: “Christ is Risen!”, And he replied that it was impossible, just like the egg could not turn white, red and the egg immediately turned red. Since then, it is customary to paint eggs in red, which also personifies the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us.

Easter traditions

An unchanging tradition before Easter is Great Lent, which has strict prohibitions on many foods. And in particular, you can’t eat meat, eggs, fish, sweets, milk, pastries, fast food and drink alcohol. Just before such a post in the period Shrovetide, allowed to eat eggs and dairy products in plenty to prepare physically and mentally for such an ordeal in Great Lent, which lasts 7 weeks in 2024 from March 11.

In churches, service begins before midnight. Polunoshnitsa is served until midnight, and after Easter begins the morning service. And then the procession around the temple begins.

Believers on this Bright Day greet each other like this: “Christ is Risen!” To which the other person must answer: “Truly Risen!” And so on three times. Previously, it was considered obligatory to kiss each other three times, as well as exchange Easter eggs. According to tradition, it is thus customary to greet each other not only on Easter itself, but also in the next 40 days after it.

Another unchanging tradition is to paint Easter eggs, bake Easter, and also go on to conversation after Lent.

Also, a week after Easter, the week follows Krasnaya Gorka, in which usually all young people have fun, and can also play weddings. And on the 9th day there is the Radonitsa festival, where people go to the cemetery and commemorate the dead.

How to celebrate Easter

Preparing for Easter is preceded by three days. Thursday, which we used to call Clean Thursday. On such a day, the house is put in order, as well as people tend to bathe before sunrise in order to have better health. On such a day, it is advisable to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, trying not to enter into conflict, not to swear, not to swear among themselves, and also to refrain from intimacy.

Also on this day, many people begin to bake Easter, as well as paint eggs.

This is followed by Good Friday, which is the strictest day in Lent. On such a day you can’t do anything around the house, and you should also give up noisy gatherings, cheerful conversations, as well as any other fun. You can’t dye your hair, use cosmetics, and it’s also worth a whole cold. Only on the evening of Good Friday you can eat some bread and drink a glass of water. The most interesting thing is that Easter is allowed on such a day. Therefore, you can leave such a thing instead of Pure Thursday on Good Friday.

Good Friday is followed by Great Saturday, at which Easter services in the church begin. On the night of Great Saturday on Sunday, you cannot go to bed, but you must stand in the service of the church. If this is not possible, then you can pray at home. On such a day, people can paint eggs, the very first that is traditionally given to the youngest child in the family. On Great Saturday, usually from the very morning, they begin to prepare other dishes besides eggs. Dishes can be different, including meat and fish, but you can’t eat them, as Lent continues. On such a day you can’t have fun, celebrate anything, or marry.

Sunday - Easter.This day begins to be celebrated with the lighting of eggs, bread, Pasok and other food. Food coverage takes place in the early morning hours, creating huge crowds of people with baskets at the door of the church.

You can hallow different kinds of food, but these are mainly Paski, wine, desirable red Cahors, eggs, as well as other foods and even meat and sausages.

After the family sits down at the festive table, where the conversation takes place. The first thing you should try is lighted eggs and Easter cake, and then you can go to other dishes and drink wine, in particular red, but here you can.

Easter is celebrated for the next 40 days, in which you can add to festivities, fun, and also visit each other.


Happy Thursday

Happy friday


Easter Recipes

How to paint eggs

Onion peel

The most popular and standard way to paint eggs is with onion husks.

For 10 eggs you will need:

  • 100 grams of onion peel.
  • A bit of salt.

Painting process:

To color the eggs beautifully and correctly, they must be pulled out of the refrigerator in advance so that they are not cold. Then pour water into the pan and put onion peel there. When the water boils, turn off the gas and leave the infusion for 3 hours. After the water, add a little salt and add our eggs. Cook them with the husk for 10 minutes.

With greens

This method will give a beautiful pattern on the shell of eggs.

You will need 10 eggs:

  • 100 grams of any greens (it can be cilantro, dill, parsley)
  • 100 grams of onion peel.
  • A little gauze.

Painting process:

First you need to make the onion infusion, as described in the first version, and then take the eggs and attach leaflets of greens to them. Then wrap the eggs with gauze and boil in onion peel for 10 minutes.

Natural dyes

Using natural dyes, you can dye your eggs in colorful colors.

You will need 10 eggs:

  • 3 tablespoons of nettle - for green.
  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile - for yellow.
  • 1 beetroot - for pink.
  • Small forks of red cabbage - for blue.
  1. To color the eggs from the infusion of herbs, you need to fill in 0.4 liters of hot water (3 tablespoons) and boil the grass for 30 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of vinegar and boil the eggs in the broth for about an hour.
  2. To give the eggs a pink color, you need to soak the eggs in beetroot juice overnight.
  3. To color the eggs with red cabbage, soak the vegetable in 0.5 water, plus 1 tablespoon of vinegar. In this broth, it is worth soaking eggs for the night.

Eggs and stickers

  1. To stick stickers on the eggs, you should choose not large and not small, the best option would be to choose the average size.
  2. Take 10 eggs and 10 decoration stickers that you like. Then pour about 1.5-2 liters of water into the pan so that the water covers all the eggs. Separately, boil the eggs in layered water, and then cool them and dry the shell well.
  3. Then, along the lines that separate the stickers, cut them into separate strips and put them on the eggs. Then boil water in a large saucepan and lower each egg with a sticker there for a couple of seconds.

How to bake a delicious Easter

Tender easter


  • 0.5 kg premium flour.
  • 4 teaspoons of dry yeast.
  • 3 pieces of chicken eggs.
  • 150 grams of butter.
  • A bit of salt.
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 100 grams of raisins.
  • 150 ml. milk.

Cooking process:

  1. To make the raisins soft it must be soaked overnight in warm water. Dry it in the morning and set aside for now. In warm milk, add sugar, yeast and leave for a while so that the dough is infused.
  2. After, when the dough begins to bubble into it, gradually add all the remaining ingredients and knead the dough. Do not forget to add raisins to the dough. Knead the dough well, and then put it in a warm place for a couple of hours. After the elapsed time, the dough needs to be kneaded again, and then left for another half hour.
  3. To make Easter fit as needed, do not fill out the entire form with dough.It will be enough 2/3, and leave the rest with a margin. Preheat the oven 180 degrees and bake until golden brown Easter. Then reduce the temperature and continue to bake for another 30 minutes.

Easter with almonds

Beautiful Easter without baking, which can please you with its gentle and pleasant taste.


  • 900 grams of fat cottage cheese.
  • 0.5 grams of fat sour cream.
  • 3 cups cream.
  • 3 egg whites.
  • 2 cups white sugar.
  • 1 pack of vanillin.
  • 2 cups ground almonds.

Cooking process:

To make such an Easter, you need to put in a special form mashed cottage cheese, sour cream, whipped with a mixer squirrel, sugar, vanilla, ground almonds and refrigerate for the night.

Easter with brandy

Very tasty Easter, which will have a light aftertaste of cognac, which will add a special piquancy to such delicious pastries.


  • 1.5 kilograms of premium flour.
  • 0.250 ml. milk (2.7%)
  • 0.230 grams of sour cream (25%)
  • 0.250 grams of butter (67%)
  • 9 pieces of chicken eggs.
  • 0.5 grams of sugar.
  • 25 grams of vegetable oil.
  • 25 grams of fresh yeast.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of strong cognac.
  • 150 grams of raisins.
  • 1 pack of lemon zest.


  • 2 egg whites.
  • 0.200 grams of powdered sugar.
  • 0.150 grams of multi-colored confectionery powder.

Cooking process:

  1. In warm milk you need to add yeast, sugar and two tablespoons of flour. Mix everything well so that the yeast dissolves in water. Place the dough in a warm place until it begins to bubble.
  2. We take our eggs and wash them well under water. Then we separate the proteins from the yolks and beat the proteins with a mixer. Add half the sugar in them, and continue to whisk, so that the mass increases in volume, and the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the rest of the sugar into the yolks and beat them in the same way as the proteins.
  3. Add sour cream, salt, beaten yolks and proteins to the container with our dough, mix everything until smooth. After we add cognac, vanilla and a little lemon zest. Then add half the flour and knead our dough. In the process, add butter and sunflower oil while continuing to knead our dough. Then we add raisins and again we mix well.
  4. After the dough is covered with a napkin or towel and placed in a warm place so that it comes up and increases in size several times. It will take about two hours of time.
  5. To make the dough stick less to your hands, grease them with vegetable oil and separate small pieces from the dough and put them in baking tins. Do not fill the whole form with dough, because the dough in the oven will rise and overflow. Optimum filling of the mold 2/3. We leave our dough in molds for 45 minutes, and then in a preheated oven over low heat, we begin to bake them.
  6. Once the molds are loaded into the oven, the temperature should be increased to 200 degrees. Baking Pasok takes from 20 to 25 minutes of time. In the baking process, you should try the dough for readiness.


  1. Beat 2 proteins in a lush, light mass and mix them with powdered sugar. Mix everything well so that the powdered sugar dissolves well. Then add a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix our mixture again.
  2. Then, in the finished glaze, dip the top of our Pasok and sprinkle with confectionery powder.

Chocolate Easter


  • 1 kilogram of fat cottage cheese.
  • 0.200 grams of butter (67%)
  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • 0.150 grams of sugar.
  • 0.200 grams of dark chocolate.
  • 1 vanilla stick.
  • 0.5 ml of heavy cream.
  • 0,100 grams of nuts.
  • 0.200 grams of candied fruits.

Cooking process:

Cottage cheese must be pressed to expel excess moisture from it. After twist it in a meat grinder.

Melt the butter and mix with cottage cheese.

Peel the vanilla stick from the seeds, but the seeds themselves are not discarded.

Mix sugar and eggs.

Put cream in them.

Throw the deposited seeds into the pan.

The mixture should be cooked for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. The fire must be reduced to medium, so that the mass does not burn.

Nuts need to be chopped into small crumbs.

Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath.

Cottage cheese mixed with chilled mass with eggs, cream and sugar.

Add melted chocolate and mix well.

After we put nuts and candied fruits in a bowl.

Put gauze in the mold for Easter, as indicated in the photo. It needs to be folded in two layers and put into it our chocolate mass.

Cover the mass with gauze and let the serum drain from it.

Put the load on top and rearrange our structure in the refrigerator for 13 hours.

After turning the mold and put the finished Easter on a plate. On top of it, you can decorate with icing, or confectionery letters or powder.


Rum woman is considered a traditional dish of the Slavs and they can also be baked with Easter on the festive table.


  • 3 chicken eggs.
  • 0.150 grams of sugar.
  • 0.150 grams of premium flour.
  • 1 cup cherry juice.
  • 6 tablespoons of rum.
  • 2 chicken yolks.
  • ¼ cream.
  • 1 tablespoon of starch.

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to beat eggs with sugar until you get a lush mass, then add flour and knead the dough. If you use metal molds, then generously grease them with oil, if not, then do not. Bake rolls at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. When the buns reach, remove them from the oven and refrigerate. Then dip each bun in a bowl of cherry juice and leave to dry. After in a water bath you need to melt pre-whipped cream with yolks, starch, as well as rum. When the impregnation becomes thick, turn off the gas and pour your rolls with hot sauce.


