Hairstyles for girls in kindergarten and for every day

Many mothers are faced with a daily problem, what kind of hairstyle to make the daughter in the kindergarten. After all, I want it to be fast, but at the same time beautiful. And especially for such situations, there are simple, light hairstyles for every day.

Such hairstyles will not take you much time, and their interesting appearance will make your child rejoice all day long for beautiful pigtails or an intricate bow on his head. Read on in our selection of beautiful hairstyles for every day for girls.

Simple hairstyles for every day

Hairstyle lacing

To make such a hairstyle, comb the girl’s hair well and divide it into equal parts to get an even, central parting. Starting from the bottom of the neck you need to braid two ponytails, a little higher two more that you must weave in the first, right to left, and left to right. Braid another row of tails and do the same manipulation. Now go to the side tails. Braid two ponytails and decorate them with bows.

Simple decoration

If your girl has thick and not very obedient hair, you can make a simple hairstyle with a crab. Comb the baby, and the top locks at the crown, fasten with a crab with the main hair. This will help remove excess hair from the face, and at the same time leave the entire bulk of the hair loose.


A simple but very beautiful hairstyle for long hair. Tie the girl a long, even tail, secure it with an elastic band. Then, at an equal distance from each other throughout the entire tail, attach the rubber bands, as in the photo. When the gum is on the tail, firmly holding the hair, then take each separated piece of hair a little fluff with your fingers.


What could be nicer and prettier than ordinary side ponytails with bright rubber bands? Play with the height of the tails, making them taller or lower


Divide the girl's hair into two parts: upper hair and lower hair. The top will go on a bump, and from the bottom you will plait an ordinary braid. Hair on a braid can be left less than on a roll, so that it seems more voluminous than the braid itself. When the scythe is ready, then proceed to the walker. Take the upper hair and twist it like a donut. The base of the ghula, wrap it around with a pigtail and fix the hairstyle with the help of hairpins.


To start, tie the girl a high tail on the back of her head. Fix the tail with an elastic band and divide it into two parts and form a loop from each. Attach them to the center, forming a bow, and secure the remaining free ends with invisible at the base of the tail and hide an elastic band under them.

The Dragon

Tie the first ponytail at the base of the forehead without pulling the hair very tight. The second is tied parallel to the first and fixed with an elastic band, while always capturing the tip of the first tail. Weave such tails to the very base of the nape.

Graceful bunch

Comb the girl’s hair and braid a not very high ponytail, turn the ponytail inside out and pull out the locks a little. Form a tail with a high pitch and fix it with the help of pins.

Graceful ponytail

Braid the girl with a high ponytail and divide it into three equal parts.Braid each part in a tight braid with small links, and after three braids, weave one large one. Give the strands a little volume, using your fingers pulling out a little strand from the links of the braid.

Simple pigtails for every day

Pigtail bundle

Separate part of the upper hair from the lower and tie it with an elastic band, as indicated in the photo. After the tail, turn inside out and start on the tail to weave the usual braid of three links. Twist the obtained braid into a bundle on the back of the head and fasten with the help of studs.

Scythe obliquely

Fairly beautiful, but easy to braid. Start weaving the back braid from the back of the head to the bangs, gradually braiding it farther to the ear. Fix the tip of the braid with an elastic band, and comb the main hair well.

Scythe heart

To make such a hairstyle, start doing it from the front of the hair. Braid in the area three tails and fix them with elastic bands. After from the crown, wrap the tails and divide their ends into two equal parts. Ponytails need to be twisted from the center, which ultimately forms the shape of the heart. We repeat the same thing with the central tail, skipping the ends of the turn of the loop of the side hearts.

Scythe brook

To begin, make a flat, horizontal parting from the top of the head. Start weaving from temple to temple as usual, only add tufts of hair from the bangs, and from the crown only the main curl. When there is about 5 cm to the edge, then expand the braid itself and add locks of hair from under the parting, and on the opposite side, only the main curl. Fix the tip of the pigtail with an elastic band.


Divide the hair into two parts, where in one there will be a large part. Take a large strand from the large side and divide it into three parts. You need to hold the side strand over the central one, and then the second side strand over the central one. After applying to the central back strand, adding a little part of the hair from the back of the head. Then the front of the back, adding a small strand in front of the scythe itself. Thus weave a fishtail to the very end of the hair.

Pigtail with a ribbon

Divide the hair into two equal parts and braid two identical braids. Pigtails at the very top are fixed with beautiful colorful rubber bands, but starting from the base of the braid along the entire length, a silk ribbon is woven into it.

By the way, such a tape can not be woven into the braid itself, but simply wrap it carefully as indicated in the photo.

Hairstyles in the kindergarten

Pigtail with rubber bands

To begin with, comb the girl’s hair well, and then tie the ponytail in the style of a “mulvinka” hairstyle. Divide the tail into two equal parts and tie them with elastic bands. After threading the bottom strand through the top, and then pull the gum itself.

Bagel Hairstyle

First, make the girl a zigzag parting, and in the area of ​​the ears, tie two ponytails. It is desirable to tie the ponytails low and rather tight so that with further manipulations the hair does not loose.

Now braid both ponytails into tight braids of three links and fix them with elastic bands. Then fold the braid to make a bagel and secure with an elastic band.

Pass the second pigtail into the bagel and secure with the third elastic. Add beautiful, silk bows and stunning pigtails to the hairstyle.

Wreath Hairstyle

Comb your hair well and divide it into four equal partings. After tying three partings with elastic bands. Parting should have a triangular shape and expand to the hairline. The fourth parting is divided into 3 parts and starting from the side, we tie the tail with an elastic band.

When the first ponytail is ready, tie it with the second ponytail, laying them in a circle, like a wreath.

Many braids

Very beautiful, as well as a simple hairstyle in the kindergarten. Comb the girl's hair, and then randomly or symmetrically through all the hairs, begin to alternately braid the usual pigtails.

Such pigtails can have a tight look, or a little lightweight, airy. The main thing is to decorate each such pigtail with a colored elastic band.


If you do not have enough time at all, then there is a great way out - a bezel. Such a rim should be beautiful, with elements of flowers or other bright decor. Comb the girls hair back and chop with a small crab or tie the tail with an elastic band. Then put the bezel on the girls, taking the locks on the top of the head well so that they do not fall on the girl's face during the day.

Cute gulka

Thoroughly comb the girl's hair by lifting the ponytail as high as possible. Twist the resulting tail into a tight tug and with an elastic band with a massive bow, fix it on your head. Your gum may have a different bright and voluminous decor, optionally in the form of a bow.

Hairstyle heart

To start, comb the girl well hair and divide them into even parting. After one part, fix with an elastic band, and from the second, start weaving a normal braid, weaving loose locks of hair from the outside. Fix the end of the pigtail with an elastic band. On the other hand, start weaving the same thing, at the end of weaving, fixing the pigtail with an elastic band. This weaving technique will allow you to achieve the appearance of braids in the shape of a heart. When the pigtails are ready, tie their ponytails together with a bright rubber band.


