How to make a beautiful bunch - 6 great options

Hairstyle bundle has a certain magnetic attraction and beauty. It is quite simple to implement, but the result is always beautiful and interesting. Hairstyle bundle can be safely called a universal hairstyle. After all, it is perfect for everyday hanging out, for business meetings, as well as for a romantic date.

Read further in our article how to make a beautiful bunch for different occasions, without spending a lot of time.

Regular beam

A very simple but beautiful bundle in the traditional form, which can be done in a couple of minutes.

  • Comb your hair and make a high tail. It can also be made lower or higher, as you wish.
  • Separate a thin strand from the main mass of hair, with which we will then wrap our bun.
  • We take our tail and twist it into a tight bundle and wrap it with the help of our thin strand.
  • We fix our hairstyle with hairpins, not forgetting to decorate the bundle itself or just leave it in its usual, traditional form.

Romantic bunch

  • Comb your hair and collect it in a ponytail. After, divide the tail into two equal parts and twist them together as shown in the photo.
  • The resulting ponytail is fixed on the back of the head with the help of invisibles in a romantic bundle.
  • To keep the hairstyle longer, it is worth sprinkling it with fixing hair spray.

Light beam

  • Comb the hair and take part of the hair in the crown area.
  • Make a ponytail and fix it with an elastic band.
  • After combing the hair well on the back of the head and in the center and form a bun.
  • Divide the hair from the ponytail into two and add it to a bun on each side of the head.
  • Fix the extra hair with a bun using invisibility.

Conservative bundle

  • To start, comb the hair with a comb with small teeth.
  • Then make a low tail and put on it a small roller designed specifically for bunches.
  • Spread your hair over it to hide the roller and fix the hair with a thin rubber band.
  • Lay the ends of the hair over the elastic itself and fix them with hairpins.
  • Spray the hair with fixing varnish and you can enjoy its perfect look all day.

Bunch and pile

  • To create a larger volume you need to wash your hair to dry it.
  • Comb them with a comb with a round nozzle along the hairline.
  • Do some fleece at the back of the head and in the front.
  • After part of the hair, shift to comb to hide them and thereby make the hairstyle even more voluminous.
  • Then tie the tail and secure it with a soft, rubber band made of foam rubber.
  • You need to hide the hair ends under the bun itself while not tightening them very much.

High beam

  • A high beam suggests its location on the highest point of your head.
  • To begin with, you should comb your hair and, having formed a ponytail, twist it into a flagellum.
  • After the flagellum itself, twist it into a large lamb just below the crown and secure it with an invisible rubber band or hairpins.
  • Pull the strands out of the bundle a bit to give it volume.


