Airtach staining: the best technique of the season (50 photos)

Highlighting, coloring, ombre, shatush ... That just does not come up with hairdressers. Now a new trend has appeared - airtouch staining.

What is airtach staining?

Staining airtach from English literally translates as “touch of air”. This is the beauty of airtach coloring. It is light, airy, as if accidental. Very similar to strands slightly burnt out in the sun.

This coloring adds volume to the hair, gives freshness to the whole image and can make you a little younger.

Execution technique

Most often, airtach staining is carried out in salons. But so that you understand the essence of the process, we will describe it a little.

You will need:

  • foil
  • hair dryer
  • 3% and 6% oxide
  • powder
  • communication activator
  1. Starts with mixing powder and 3% oxide + bond activator.
  2. Hair is divided into partings.
  3. A thin strand is taken from the back of the head. Hair is blown with a hairdryer, separating short ones.
  4. We put foil under the strand and a brightening composition is applied. And close the foil with an envelope.
  5. Further work continues with several strands from each parting.
  6. The next step is all the same, but with a 6% oxidizing agent.

As a result, we get wonderful overflows on the hair.

Coloring airtach blondes

For blondes, staining with airtach will help to refresh hair color and add luxurious overfill. Hair color will look in a special way.

Blondes can make strands more ashen or wheat. It all depends on your desire.

Coloring airtach brunettes (brown-haired)

Often, girls get bored with a uniform dark hair color and more and more often the thought “Can it be brighter?” Slips through here. Since this staining does not affect the hair roots, it starts from the ear level. You can easily return to your previous color without much loss of hair quality.

Airtach red coloring

Girls with red hair look especially with the coloring of airtach. This coloring will make you more flirty and playful.

On a sunny day, the glare of the sun will make your coloring even more attractive.

Airtach staining with light brown

Airtach coloring is possible for any shades of hair and light brown is no exception. In your case, the clarified strands in the mass will make you blond hair color. But under different lighting conditions, dyeing will give your hair different shades from dark to wheat.


